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Global Capacity Parameters

Global Capacity parameters provide information about the capacity of the vault.

Figure 40 Global Capacity Parameters

============================= GLOBAL CAPACITY ==============================


            00000100  TYPE BOX   MEDIA TAPE      BOX ID BXA    BOX SIZE 000020

                      TYPE       MEDIA                                       

Table 59 Global Capacity Parameters




List of capacities for various types of removable media. Each line of the list contains the following parameters:

  • Quantity – Maximum number of units of the media type.
  • TYPE – Type of media storage (SLOT, BOX).
  • MEDIA – Type of media (for example, cartridge, 3400 tape, 3490).

    Note: The following fields are only shown if the vault name is MAINLIB and the storage type is BOX.

  • BOX ID – Name or prefix of the box. The full name cannot exceed six characters.
    The capacity indicates the number of boxes to define.
    If the capacity is 1, one box is defined, and this field indicates the full name of the box.
    If the capacity exceeds 1, this field indicates a prefix, and a sequentially assigned serial number for each box completes the name (the prefix and serial number combined cannot exceed six characters).
  • BOX SIZE – If TYPE is equal to BOX, maximum number of media per box.

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