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Exiting the Pool List Screen

Press (PF03/PF15) END to exit the Pool List screen. If changes have been made in the Pool Definition screen and the Pool Definition screen was exited with (PF03/PF15) END, an Exit Option window is opened.

It is possible to change the name of the library or the name of the pool in the window.

Figure 32 Pool List Screen Exit Option Window

POOLS OF LIBRARY: CTT.PROD.PARM                                 TABLE:   $$POOL

COMMAN +-----------------------------------------------------------+  ===> CRSR

OPT  N |                 PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION                 |  ---------

      A |                                                           |

      A |     SAVE Y  CREATE                                        |

      B |                                                           |

      B |     LIBRARY CTT.PROD.PARM                                 |

      M |     TABLE   $$POOL                                        |

      M |                                                           |

      M +-----------------------------------------------------------+






  ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NO MORE POOLS IN THIS TABLE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====

OPTIONS:  S SELECT   D DELETE   I INSERT                               12.48.45

Parent Topic

Exiting the Pool Definition Facility