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Rule Definition Screen

The Rule Definition screen is used to define, display, and modify rule parameters for management of volumes and data sets. This screen can be entered directly from the entry panel or from the Rule List screen. Updating parameters is not permitted in Browse mode.

Rule parameters can fill more than one screen. Therefore, they are organized like a sheet of paper that can be "stretched" to any desired length. Use the scrolling conventions to scroll the rule parameters forward and backward.

The rule parameters are divided into the following basic groups:

Basic Scheduling Parameters (optional, see the DAYS through CONFCAL fields in Table 41 in Basic Scheduling Parameters).

The groups are separated by a delimiter line.

Figure 20 Rule Definition Screen

RULE: JOB0099  LIB CTT.PROD.RULES                               TABLE: ADM0002

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


   RULE NAME   JOB0099   GROUP PRODUCTION                MODE PROD (Prod/Test)

   OWNER       M43       SEQUENCE PRIORITY 01 CONTINUE SEARCH Y    (Y/N)      

   DESCRIPTION SET VAULT PATTERN OF JOB0099 VOLUMES                           

   DOCMEM      JOBDOCS   DOCLIB CTT.PROD.DOC                                 


   ON DATASET   = *                                               And/Or/Not  


   DO VAULT     = VAULTA                                                      

        UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 1999                   And/Or   

      VAULT     = VAULTB                                                      

        UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 2000                   And/Or

      VAULT     = MAINLIB                                                     

        UNTIL     DATE           0101 YEAR 2001                   And/Or      

      VAULT     =                                                            

   DO CONDITION = JOB0099_CHANGE_VAULT ODAT +                                 

             AT   CLOSE                                                        




   DAYS                                                          DCAL        


   WDAYS   ALL                                                   WCAL        

   MONTHS  1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12- Y   


   CONFCAL          SHIFT                                                   

======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF RULE DEFINITION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ====


Each rule is composed of General parameters, followed by a group of ON statements called an ON block. Only one ON block can exist in each rule definition. The ON block, that is composed of media specifications, is followed by a group of DO statements (a DO block), that is used to specify rule processing instructions and actions to be performed by the rule. For more information about ON and DO block structure, see ON/DO Block Structures.

To delete a parameter on the screen, erase it (press the EOF key or blank it out). If additional operations are required, Control-M/Tape issues appropriate instructions.

The Rule Definition Screen can be exited in various ways. The most common is to press END (PF03/PF15). For more information see Exiting the Rule Definition Screen.

To implement newly defined or modified rules immediately, it is necessary to reload the Rule definitions using procedure CTTINIT. For more information, see CTTINIT procedure discussion in the Control-M/Tape chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

Rule parameters are described in detail in Chapter 3, "Rule Parameters." They are described briefly in the following topics.

Note: The parameters marked with the symbol M can have many occurrences. Whenever you fill the last occurrence of the parameter on the screen, Control-M/Tape adds a new empty occurrence of that parameter that you can fill in. The only limit to the number of occurrences is the region size available for the application.

Parent Topic

Rule Definition Facility