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Rule Definition Entry Panel

The Rule Definition Entry Panel is displayed upon entering the Rule Definition facility (option TR in the IOA Primary Option menu).

Figure 13 Rule Definition Entry Panel

------------------ CONTROL-M/Tape RULE DEFINITION ENTRY PANEL -------------(TR)

COMMAND ===>                                                                  




SPECIFY LIBRARY, TABLE NAME, RULE NAME                                       


  LIBRARY   ===> CTTP.PROD.RULES                                               

  TABLE     ===>                      (Blank for table selection list)         

  RULE      ===>                      (Blank for rule selection list)         






  AUTOMATIC  RULE  SORTING ===> Y     (Y/N)                                    

  SHOW SCHEDULING CRITERIA ===> Y     (Y/N)                                    

  SHOW RULE DOCUMENTATION  ===> N     (Y/N)                                    

  AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION  ===> N     (Y/N)                                    





USE THE COMMAND "SHPF" TO SEE PFK ASSIGNMENT                           10.08.05

Note: If you use the selection list fields, their values are not erased until you exit the entry panel by pressing END (PF03/PF15).

To open the desired display

Fill in the LIBRARY, TABLE, and RULE fields.

To display the list of tables in a library

  1. Type the library name.
  2. Either leave the table name blank, or type part of a table name together with mask characters (* and ?).
  3. Press Enter.

To display the list of rules of a specific rule

  1. Type the library name.
  2. Type the table name.
  3. Press Enter.

If the table does not exist, the screen for defining a new rule in the table is displayed.

To display the details of a specific rule (Rule Definition screen)

  1. Type the library name.
  2. Type the table name.
  3. Type the rule name.
  4. Press Enter.

If the table does not exist, or if the rule for the specified table does not exist, the screen for defining a new rule in the table is displayed.

Note: If you enter the screen for defining a new rule and want to leave the screen without defining a rule, use the CANCEL command.

To display the Search window

  1. Type the library name.
  2. Type the rule name.
  3. Either leave the table name blank, or type part of a table name together with mask characters (* and ?).
  4. Press Enter.

To create a new table

  1. Type the library name.
  2. Type a new table name.
  3. Press Enter

The Rule definition screen, for defining the first rule in the new table, is displayed.

Parent Topic

Rule Definition Facility