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The IOA Online facility can be activated as an ISPF application. As such, it can work in ISPF split screen mode like any other ISPF application.

WARNING: Multiple calls to the IOA ISPF interface can be performed in ISPF split screen mode as long as all invocations are for the same IOA environment. Otherwise, the results may be unpredictable.

The command line of the IOA Online facility is controlled by IOA. It is not possible to enter ISPF commands in an IOA screen. Two ISPF commands must be defined to PFKeys:

Table 29 ISPF Commands that must be defined for PFKeys




(usually PF02/PF14)


(usually PF09/PF21)

The rest of the PFKeys are controlled by IOA PFKey definitions, which are in the IOA PARM library.

It is possible to assign TSO/ISPF commands such as PRINT to PFKeys, or to change PFKey definitions by performing the following steps:

  1. Exit from IOA and ISPF to the READY prompt.
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:


    This command brings you to ISPF.

  3. Type the KEYS command and press Enter. A set of key definitions is displayed.
  4. Modify the key definitions as desired and exit from ISPF.

Note: ISPF KEY definitions for the following ISPF commands take precedence over IOA PFKey definitions: SPLIT, SWAP, KEYS, PRINT, PFSHOW. For example, if PF02 is defined as SPLIT in ISPF, an IOA definition for PF02 is ignored in online screens.

For all other ISPF commands, such as UP or DOWN, the key definitions in ISPF are ignored and the PFKey is interpreted according to the definition in the IOA Online facility.

Under ISPF, IOA Option 6 activates the Online Utilities panel, which is described in IOA Online Utilities Menu. For more information about these utilities, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Utilities Guide.

For more information on changing IOA PFKey definitions, see the appendix in the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide that deals with modifying IOA Online Facility Commands.

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