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Pool Definition Screen

The Pool Definition screen is accessed through option TP of the Primary Option menu. This screen is used to view create and modify pool definitions.

Pools are defined according to logical categories that exist at your location (for example, a pool can be defined for each department in your organization). This method is particularly useful for allocating and budgeting removable media by department.

A certain number of scratch volumes should be allocated for each pool. Pools are defined to Control-M/Tape through the Pool Definition screen. Pool definitions are stored in tables (members) that are stored in definition libraries.

When a department’s job requests a scratch volume, Control-M/Tape determines the appropriate pool for that job according to rule specifications. Control-M/Tape then ensures that the mounted volume is from the correct pool.

Note: Once a pool is defined, only data sets associated with that pool can use volumes from that pool.

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Online User Interface