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Vault Management

Vaults are locations where removable media volumes can be stored as an alternative to the Active library. The movement of media to and from vaults or Active library (MAINLIB) is managed by the Vault Management facility. Vaulting requirements are established when data sets are created based on user-specified instructions defined in rules. These vaulting instructions are called the vault pattern.

For example, a volume may move to Vault A, then to Vault B, and then return to the Active library. Different retention periods can be specified at each location. A volume is scratched only when it has finished its vault pattern (meaning, is returned to the Active library (MAINLIB).

Vault management is performed by a utility. This utility, that runs on a daily basis, performs the following functions:

Table 3 Vault Management Utility Functions



Movement Between Locations

Checks all retention periods at all vault locations to determine that volumes need to be transferred to different locations.

Report Production

Produces a distribution report that lists all volumes that should be moved to a new location or assigned a new slot number.

Vault Pattern Recalculation

If requested, recalculate vault patterns, according to updated rules.

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