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Generation data sets (GDG)

Adjustment of generation number by the CONTROLR step is not done by modifying the JCL of the job. The original JCL may actually be in an invoked procedure that cannot be modified.

Instead, Control-M/Restart modifies the reference to the real name of the generation data set. Every generation number in a given job run relates to a specific data set name. Control-M/Restart retrieves the data set names from the SYSDATA of the previous runs of the job, and replaces the data set names that were chosen by the system in the restart run.

The above action can be detected in the following ways:

To ensure proper GDG processing, BMC recommends that you review the settings of the relevant parameters in the CTRPARM member in the IOA PARM library. These parameters (MODGDGN ENHGDG, IGNFLUSH, and SAMEGDG), are described in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

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Operation Considerations