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Format of the $KEEP member

The $KEEP member is used to identify the DD statements relating to data sets that must not be scratched during Control-M/Restart processing.

If the JCL of a job contains a DD statement in which the parameter DISP is set to NEW, and the corresponding data set already exists when Control-M/Restart is invoked, Control-M/Restart automatically changes the value of the DISP parameter to OLD.

DD statements are specified in this member in the format shown in Table 32.

Table 32 DD Statements in $KEEP member

Column #s


01 through 08

job name

09 through 16

procstep name

17 through 24

pgmstep name

25 through 32

DD name

33 through 80

comments (optional)

Note: The $KEEP member is useful in specifying DD names of checkpoint data sets. When Control-R/RESTART recognizes an existing checkpoint data set specified with DISP=NEW, Control-R does not delete it but changes its disposition to DISP=OLD, enabling the restarted job to use the checkpoint data written by the failed job and to resume processing from the interruption point.

Parent Topic

Control parameters in the Control-M/Restart PARM library