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Parameters passed to the CONTROLR step

The EXEC statement of the CONTROLR step contains a PARM parameter that is used to pass information between the Control-M monitor and the CONTROLR step. This information is inserted into the PARM operand by Control-M/Restart logic in the Control-M monitor.

It is possible to use the CTMX002 Control-M user exit and the CTMSE02 Control-M security exit to modify values passed to the CONTROLR step using the PARM operand.

PARM operand information is necessary for the operation of Control-M/Restart facilities that are activated during the execution of the CONTROLR step.

The format of the EXEC statement is


// PARM='type,mem,orderid,sysopt,from,to,recapt/adjust,trc,stepcc'

CONTROLR is the default procedure name for the CONTROLR step. This default can be modified using the CTRPROC Control-M/Restart parameter in the CTRPARM member in the IOA PARM library. For more information, see the Control-M/Restart installation procedure in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

The parameters specified in the CONTROLR step PARM field are described in Table 27.

Table 27 Parameters Specified in the CONTROLR Step PARM Field




Mode and operation to be performed. Mandatory. This parameter consists of two single-character values: mode and operation.

Mode must be one of the following:

  • R (Real)—The CONTROLR step uncatalogs data sets and performs GDG adjustment, and so on.
  • S (Simulated)—CONTROLR operates in Simulation mode. Reports are produced to show which data sets are uncataloged, how GDG adjustments are performed, from which step the job is restarted, and so on. However, no actual processing takes place and the job is terminated immediately after the CONTROLR step.

This mode can be used by the Control-M/Restart Simulation facility and when manually creating JCL to run the CONTROLR step.

Operation must be one of the following:

  • R (Restart)—Control-M/Restart performs a restart.
  • 2 (Prevent-NCT2)—Control-M/Restart Prevent-NCT2 processing (data set cleanup prior to, and as part of, the original run).
  • C (Cleanup)—Control-M/Restart performs a data set cleanup only.

All combinations of mode and operation are valid.


Control parameter member name. Optional. However, this parameter is normally inserted automatically during job submission.

This parameter specifies the name of a user-defined library member that contains control parameters for a specific job.



This parameter must be a valid member name from 1 through 8 characters. The default value of this parameter (that is automatically inserted during job submission) is the member name that contains the job JCL, meaning, the value displayed in the MEMNAME fields in the Control-M Zoom screen, or the NAME field in the Control-M Active Environment screen. This parameter can be overridden by a member name specified in the Confirm Restart window or the Rerun Restart window.


Order ID.

The order ID is a unique Control-M job order identifier that is used by Control-M/Restart to provide unique access to the SYSDATA of all previous runs of the job to be restarted. For more information, see ORDERID. Normally, this parameter is automatically inserted during restart job submission. Optional.

If specified, orderid must be a valid 5-character Control-M order ID. If not specified, a comma must be specified instead.



If this parameter is not specified, the sysopt (Read SYSDATA Indicator) parameter must be specified as BL or BN.


Read SYSDATA Indicator. Specifies how the SYSDATA is to be processed by Control-M/Restart. Mandatory. This parameter consists of two 1-character values:

  • SYSOUT option—Specifies if and when to read the SYSDATA. Valid values are:

    — R – Read all SYSDATA of previous runs of the same job order ID. If no SYSDATA is found for the job, the CONTROLR step abends with a user abend code or a condition code depending on the value of the ABNDTYP parameter in the CTRPARM member.

    — B – Bypass the reading of all SYSDATA of previous runs of the same job order ID. This value is used for Prevent NCT2 runs. It is not intended for job restarts. If this value is used for restart runs, functionality of the restart is severely limited: CONTROLR step does not perform condition code recapture or GDG adjustment.

    — C – Read all the SYSDATA of previous runs of the same job order ID if found. If no SYSDATA is found for this job, the CONTROLR step continues to execute; however, the CONTROLR step does not perform condition code recapture or GDG adjustment.

  • NJE Indicator—Indicates whether the job runs at the same NJE node as Control-M (local) or at a different NJE node than Control-M (remote). This determines the source of SYSDATA.

    — L (Local) – Job runs at the same NJE node as Control-M (local node).

    — N (NJE) – Job runs at a different NJE node than Control-M (remote node).


Restart from procstep.pgmstep

Specifies the pgmstep (or optionally the procstep.pgmstep) at which the restart of the job is to be attempted.

  • procstep—Optional. If specified, it must be from 1 through 8 characters.
  • pgmstep—Mandatory. Valid values are from 1 through 8 characters, preceded by a period (".").




Optional. Restart to procstep.pgmstep.

This parameter specifies the pgmstep (or optionally the procstep.pgmstep) at which the restarted job terminates processing. If this parameter is not specified, the job is executed until the last step.

  • procstep—Optional.
  • pgmstep—If specified, this value must be from 1 through 8 characters, preceded by a period (".").




Instructions for abend code recapture, condition code recapture, and step adjustment for the current restart of the job. Mandatory. This parameter consists of three 1-character values:

Abend code recapture instruction. Must be one of the following

  • A—Perform abend code recapture.
  • N—Do not perform abend code recapture.
  • R—Reset abend steps.
  • D—Perform or do not perform abend code recapture depending on the default defined in the Control-M/Restart PARM library. When no default is defined in the Control-M/Restart PARM library, the default is A (perform the recapture).

Condition code recapture instruction. Must be one of the following

  • C—Perform condition code recapture.
  • N—Do not perform condition code recapture.
  • R—Reset condition code steps.
  • D—Perform or do not perform condition code recapture depending on the default defined in the Control-M/Restart PARM library. When no default is defined in the Control-M/Restart PARM library, the default is C (perform the recapture).

Step adjustment instruction. Must be one of the following

  • S—Perform step adjustment if necessary.
  • N—Do not perform step adjustment.
  • D—Perform or do not perform step adjustment depending on the default defined in the Control-M/Restart PARM library. When no default is defined in the Control-M/Restart PARM library, the default is S (perform the step adjustment).


Diagnostic tracing levels. Control-M passes the current diagnostic tracing levels to Control-M/Restart. The tracing levels can be set or changed using F CONTROLM, TRACE commands. For more information, see the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.


Assigns a specific condition code to a step during restart (regardless of the step’s condition code from the previous job run). Optional. This parameter consists of three values totaling 20 characters:

  • procstep—Eight-character name (trailing blanks required) of a procedure step whose condition code is overridden. Optional, but required if the step is in a procedure.
  • pgmstep—Eight-character name (trailing blanks required) of the program step whose condition code is overwritten. Mandatory.
  • code—Four-character numeric condition code used to override any condition code from the same step in the previous run.

Parent Topic

The CONTROLR Step and Control Parameters