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Control-M/Restart windows and screens available from the Control-M Active Environment screen

The following windows and screens directly related to Control-M/Restart are accessible from the Control-M Active Environment screen. They are described in detail in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

Table 7 Screens and Windows Available from the Active Environment Screen

Window or Screen


Confirm Restart window

Opened by specifying Option C (Confirm) for a job in the Active Environment screen when manual confirmation of restart is requested in the job scheduling definition (in the DO IFRERUN statement). From this window, the Restart Step List window, containing the list of the job’s steps, can be opened.

Rerun Restart window

Opened by specifying Option R (Rerun) for a job in the Active Environment screen when automatic rerun for the job is not performed. From this window, the Restart Step List window, containing the list of the job’s steps, can be opened.

Restart Step List window

Opened by specifying a question mark (?) in the From Step or To Step fields in the Confirm Restart or Rerun Restart window. It displays the list of steps from the previous run of the job. The steps can then be selected for use in the Confirm Restart or Rerun Restart window.

Job Order Execution History screen

Opened by specifying Option V (View Sysout) for a job in the Active Environment screen. This screen displays the execution history of the job. From this screen, the Sysout Viewing screen (that displays the archived SYSDATA of the job) can be accessed.

Sysout Viewing screen

Opened by specifying Option S (Sysout Viewing) or the V (Viewall) command in the Job Order Execution History screen. This screen displays the archived SYSDATA of the job.

History Environment Screen

Opened by specifying the HI (History) command in the Active Environment screen. This screen is a special format of the Active Environment screen. It displays jobs in the History Jobs file.

Parent Topic

Control-M/Restart under Control-M