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SYSDATA is the term used to designate the following job sysout data sets:

SYSDATA data sets are usually produced for each execution of a job or started task; however, not all of these data sets are necessarily present in all cases.

SYSDATA is archived if job restart is to be performed. SYSDATA is important to job restart for the following reasons:

Even if a job finished executing OK, it can be manually rerun or restarted at a user-specified job step. In this case, a complete history of previous executions of the job is required by Control-M/Restart facilities.

SYSDATA archiving is requested by appropriately filling in the AUTO-ARCHIVE parameter and its subparameters in the Control-M job scheduling definition. It is performed by Control-M during job post-processing; the SYSDATA is compressed and written to the specified data set.

In certain situations, SYSDATA archiving is not desirable and is not requested (for example, cyclic started tasks).

The user can view SYSDATA of previous runs of a requested job order online. For more information, see "Job Order Execution History screen" and "Sysout Viewing screen" in Control-M Active Environment screen.

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Control-M/Restart components and concepts