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Defining restart parameters in the job scheduling definition

The Control-M job scheduling definition contains post-processing parameters that tell Control-M what to do following a job run. The ON/DO statements enable specification of particular actions to be performed in particular situations. The job scheduling definition can therefore contain different instructions for what to do in different situations (if the job ends OK, if the job ends NOTOK, if the job abends, and so on).

Restart instructions are generally defined in these ON/DO statements. It is important to note that these parameters are defined in advance of any need to perform a restart. Possible situations requiring restart are anticipated at the time the job scheduling definition is being defined. The job scheduling definitions can, however, be modified at any time.

The ON statement indicates the situation in which the defined restart actions are taken. For example, it may indicate that the defined restart actions are performed in case of an abend.

The DO statements indicate the actions to perform. A DO IFRERUN statement defines restart criteria if the particular ON criteria are satisfied. The DO IFRERUN statement can indicate the step at which the restart must begin, and (if desired) the step at which it must end, and whether manual confirmation is necessary. For the restart to be automatic, a DO RERUN statement must also be defined. The combination of DO IFRERUN and DO RERUN parameters define an automatic restart.

Parent Topic

Control-M/Restart under Control-M