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Reporting facility

Several Control-M/Restart reports produced by IOA KeyStroke Language (KSL) scripts are provided. KSL is a general purpose language that mimics keystrokes entered in IOA applications. It is described in detail in the KeyStroke Language (KSL) User Guide.

Table 4 describes the KSL reports that are provided. Sample outputs for these reports are provided in the KeyStroke Language (KSL) User Guide.

Table 4 Control-M/Restart KSL Reports



Manual Restart Confirmation Report

Details restart jobs that were manually released for execution using the Control-M/Restart CONFIRM option within a specified period.

Restart Detail Report

List of restarted jobs executed over a particular period. The report displays the restart job, the restart step, use of the CONFIRM option, and so on.

Last Night Restart History Report

Details the complete execution history of all jobs that were restarted during the previous night. Job start time, end time, restart step and termination condition codes for both successful and unsuccessful restarts are displayed.

Restart Time Savings Report

Lists job restarts by Control-M/Restart during the specified period. For each listed job restart, the report provides summary information about the execution time saved as a result of using a Control-M/Restart restart instead of a rerun (number of steps skipped, elapsed time saved, and the CPU time saved). It also provides general information about the job.

Last Night Sysout Scan Summary Report

Provides an execution history for jobs with archived sysouts that ran the previous night. Either the first archived sysout or all archived sysouts can be displayed for the specified jobs.

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