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Creating dependencies between cross-platform jobs

In a multi-platform Control-M environment define global conditions, which are special prerequisite conditions, can be used to create job dependencies between jobs residing in different Control-M installations. For example, you can specify that jobs in Control-M installations on UNIX or Microsoft Windows machines begin executing only after the successful completion of a job that was scheduled and submitted on the z/OS environment.

The standard handling of global conditions is similar to that of non-global prerequisite conditions, that is, view, create, and delete global conditions using the Prerequisite Conditions window. In addition, when Control-M/EM detects the creation or deletion of a global condition in one Control-M or Control-M/Assist installation, it automatically creates or deletes the same global condition in the other Control-M installations, as required.

Global conditions are defined via prefixes specified in the Control-M/EM Global Conditions window. A prerequisite condition is recognized as a global condition when its name starts with a prefix listed in this window and its Control-M installation is defined for that prefix. The following 2 examples demonstrate how to create dependencies between multi-platform jobs. All job definitions, unlike previous samples, will be defined and maintained using the Control-M/EM Graphical User Interface (GUI), and not via the Control-M for z/OS Job Definition facility.

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