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Validation Mask

A validation mask indicates how to read the source currency value. A validation mask is composed only of question marks (?) with one optional decimal point indicator (comma or dot, based on the SYSDECCHAR value). The validation mask is used to match a value from a record or string to a formatted currency value (see above).

Note: A validation mask cannot contain any of the following characters: + (plus), – (minus), Z (letter Z), # (number sign), or a thousands separator.

The currency value that is to be matched by the validation mask can contain one optional + or – sign, one optional decimal point indicator (comma or dot, based on the SYSDECCHAR value), and optional thousands separators.

The examples in Figure 410 illustrate currency values and validation masks to read them.

Figure 410 Validation Masks to Read Currency Values

Validation Mask     Currency Value        Value Read As        SYSDECCHAR

---------------     --------------        -------------        ----------

      ??????.??      "  1102.31"             1102.31           DOT

                     "  -102.31"             -102.31           DOT  

                     "    20.0 "               20.0            DOT

                     " -   3.92"               -3.92           DOT

                     "     3.9-"               -3.9            DOT

                     "      .48"                0.48           DOT

                     "12,304.99"            12304.99           DOT

                     " +1102.31"             1102.31           DOT

                     "  1102.3-"            -1102.3            DOT

     ???????,??      "   1102,31"            1102.31           COMMA

                     "   -102,31"            -102.31           COMMA  

                     "     20,0 "              20.0            COMMA

                     "  -   3,92"              -3.92           COMMA

                     "      3,9-"              -3.9            COMMA

                     "       ,48"               0.48           COMMA

                     "112.304,99"          112304.99           COMMA

                     "  +1102,31"            1102.31           COMMA

                     "   1102,3-"           -1102.3            COMMA

Parent Topic

Implementing Euro Currency Support