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Interface to User Programs

The Control-M/Analyzer Runtime environment can be invoked by a call from a user program. This User Program interface provides standardization of all balancing activities and checks.

For example, at a specific site, it is not efficient for each programmer to write validity checks inside each program (PL/1, COBOL, and so on). It is preferable that all programmers call one Control-M/Analyzer routine that invokes a rule. Instead of inserting balancing checks into programs, all balancing checks at the site are provided externally to the user programs. The balancing checks are performed using one facility, and can be controlled efficiently from one Control-M/Analyzer screen.

User programs can pass arguments to Control-M/Analyzer. The Control-M/Analyzer rule can modify these values, and pass them back as arguments to the calling user program.

After rule termination

any changes made to values during rule execution are returned to the calling program
For more information, see Passing Arguments to and from Control-M/Analyzer.

The IOA.SAMPLE library contains the CALLCTBA member, a sample assembler program, and the CALLCTBC member, a sample "C" program, that illustrate how to call Control-M/Analyzer rules from user programs.

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Control-M/Analyzer Interfaces