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Corresponding Rule Definition Under Control-M/Analyzer

The SYSOUT System variable indicates the Control-M/Analyzer invocation method. When the Control-M/Analyzer Runtime Environment is invoked by DO CTBRULE statement, the SYSOPT System variable automatically contains the value CTMWORK. This variable can be specified as a criterion in the rule definition to determine if an ON statement should be processed, as illustrated in Figure 378.

Figure 378 Control-M/Analyzer Display on Use of DO CTBRULE in Control-M


  OWNER   M18                      GROUP CTB_DEMO                            

  UPDATED 08/08/00  -  12:32:00    BY M18                                    

  DESC    SAMPLE RULE UNDER CONTROL-M                                        



  EXECUTE I        UPON                                                   C  

  ON DATA                                                                    


    DO SHOUT    TO OPER                URGENCY R                             

     = CONTROL-M/ANALYZER STARTED UNDER CONTROL-M                                     

    DO SET      = ERROR=0                                                 C  


  EXECUTE SYS      UPON SYSOPT='CTMWORK'                                  C  

  ON SYSDATA                                                                 

  MODE       LINECT            DATASTAMP                                     

  WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 001     - 080              STOP    AND/OR  

       STRING = INVALID DATA IN TAPE:                                        

    DO SET      = ERROR=ERROR+1                                           C  

    DO EXTRACT  = TAPE                                                       

                  LEVEL 0 LINE +000 COL +023 - +028 PROCESS          TYP     

    DO PRINT    = INVALID DATA FOUND IN TAPE : %%TAPE                 F   C  


  WHEN LINE         -         COL         -                  STOP    AND/OR  

       STRING =                                                              



  EXECUTE E        UPON                                                   C  

  ON DATA                                                                    

  IF       ERROR EQ 0                                                     C  

    DO COND     = RUN-PROD             ODAT +                                

    DO TERMINAT = OK       COD 0000                                          



    DO SHOUT    TO OPER                URGENCY R                             

     = CONTROL-M/ANALYZER TERMINATES UNDER CONTROL-M                                  

    DO SHOUT    TO OPER                URGENCY R                             

     = (%%ERRORS) FOUND                                                      

    DO TERMINAT = NOTOK    COD 0999                                          


               (ENTER "ALWAYS", "IF")                                        

 ======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END OF RULE DEFINITION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =====

 PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                        16.01.34

The group name can be specified in the GROUP parameter of one of the following:

If a group name is specified in both of these GROUP parameters, the rule is implemented with the group name specified in the Control-M scheduling definition.

The ON SYSDATA Data Selection parameter can be specified within the Control-M/Analyzer rule definition to indicate processing of SYSDATA. SYSDATA is an IOA term that designates the data in the following job sysout datasets:

SYSDATA is created by the AutoArchive facility provided by Control-M/Restart.

Control-M/Analyzer rules can add or delete prerequisite conditions. Control-M (and all other INCONTROL products) can test for the existence of these conditions and react accordingly. Control-M/Analyzer rules can also read, examine, and change AutoEdit symbol members, that can affect the submission of other jobs.

Note: Control-M arguments passed to a Control-M/Analyzer rule are accessed by the rule using the RARGnn System variable, where nn is the 2-digit number that indicates the position of the argument in the argument list. For more information see Passing Arguments While Invoking Control-M/Analyzer.

Parent Topic

Using a DO CTBRULE statement