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Control-M/Analyzer Interfaces

This chapter provides information about Control-M/Analyzer interfaces to other INCONTROL products and user products.

When other INCONTROL products are used with Control-M/Analyzer at your site, the IOA integrated environment produces optimal results. Control-M/Analyzer can interface directly to Control-M and Control-D to enhance their capabilities and improve the quality of the production process.

User programs developed by your site can also communicate with the IOA Environment through Control-M/Analyzer. This interface gives new capabilities to your local site applications.

The results of Control-M/Analyzer rules that run under the Control-M or Control-D monitor are in the Control-M or Control-D monitor SYSOUT respectively.

The following Control-M/Analyzer interfaces are documented in this chapter:

The Control-M/Analyzer interface to Control-M/Restart enables the CONTROLR procedure to trigger the Control-M/Analyzer Rollback Facility. This interface is documented in Rollback Facility.

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Control-M/Analyzer Interfaces