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Return Codes

The return codes that can be returned by the CTBRECL program are described in Table 298.

Table 298 Return Codes for Program CTBRECL




Operation completed successfully (OK)


Invalid function requested

Correct the function name specified in the corresponding Local variable, and rerun the rule.


Internal error

Contact your BMC Customer Support for assistance.


Memory allocation failed

Increase the value of parameter REGION specified in the job or step JCL card, and rerun the rule.


Number of arguments is zero

The number of arguments specified in Local variable argnum is not accurate. Correct this value and rerun the rule.


SORTIN file was not opened

Check the SORTIN DD statement for the job. Correct the JCL and rerun the rule.


Record key length for the first file is different from key length of the second file

The total key length (for example, the sum of the lengths of the key fields) specified for the first file differs from the total key length specified for the second file. Correct the length of the keys and rerun the rule.


Work buffer not large enough

The CTBRECL routine is unable to continue processing. Contact BMC Customer support for assistance.


Wrong file number in the WRITE reconciliation function

File number may be either 1 or 2 only. Correct the value of the corresponding Local variable and rerun the rule.


No function requested

No valid recFunc Local variable was specified. For example, the argument list begins with a comma. Define the recFunc parameter and rerun the rule.


Key length equals zero for the MERGE function

This return code is issued by the MERGE and SUM functions only. The KEYLEN parameter (for example, the total length of the key fields for the WRITE function) is 0. Correct the KEYLEN parameter and rerun the rule.


Open of SORTOUT file failed

Check the SORTOUT DD statement for the job. Correct the JCL and rerun the rule.


Open of SRECOUT1 file failed

Check the SRECOUT1 DD statement for the job. Correct the JCL and rerun the rule.


Open of SRECOUT2 file failed

Check the SRECOUT2 DD statement for the job. Correct the JCL and rerun the rule.


SORTOUT file block size too small to run the MERGEX and SUMX functions

The work buffer is not large enough. Increase the block size (blkSize) of the SORTOUT file and rerun the rule. The block size can be overridden only by the DCB parameter in the SORTOUT JCL DD statement.


SORTOUT block size too small (block size must be sufficient for at least three records)

SORTOUT block size is not large enough. Increase the block size (blkSize) of the SORTOUT file and rerun the rule. The block size can be overridden only by the DCB parameter in the SORTOUT JCL DD statement.


The MERGEX and SUMX functions cannot be performed

Less than two files were specified for processing or the FILEID parameter is identical for both files.

Specify two different input files and rerun the rule.


Number of arguments in list does not match the ARGNUM parameter

Correct the ARGNUM parameter or the list of parameters passed and rerun the rule.

over 100

Sort utility return codes

Detailed error messages are written to the SYSOUT output file.

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Reconciliation Facility