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All arguments passed to the CTBRECL program must be predefined Control-M/Analyzer Local variables. For example, the values must be assigned before activating the CTBRECL program.

Table 295 SUM Reconciliation Function Arguments




Reconciliation function to be used when specifying the CTBRECL program. Set the value of the recFunc Control-M/Analyzer Local variable to SUM before invoking the DO CALLUSER statement. Mandatory.


Number of offset, len, and fldType arguments specified in this DO CALLUSER statement. argNum must be a Control-M/Analyzer Local variable with a numeric value. Mandatory.


Starting position of the corresponding field to be summed in the file being processed. For example, if the starting position is the left-most column in a record, set the value of offset to one. Must be a Control-M/Analyzer Local variable with a numeric value.


Length of the corresponding field that should be totaled, starting at the previous offset. Must be a Control-M/Analyzer Local variable with a numeric value.


Type of the field to be totaled. Valid values are:.

  • ZD—Signed, zoned decimal field
  • PD—Packed decimal field
  • BI—Signed binary field

Note: At least one offset-len-fldType set must be specified. The number of offset-len-fldType sets is limited by the maximum number of arguments that can be specified in a DO CALLUSER statement. Each set of these arguments specifies a field to be summed.

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