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All arguments passed to the CTBRECL program must be predefined Control-M/Analyzer Local variables. For example, the values must be assigned before activating the CTBRECL program.

Table 294 MERGEX Reconciliation Function Arguments




Reconciliation function to be used when specifying the CTBRECL program. Set the value of the recFunc Control-M/Analyzer Local variable to MERGEX before invoking a DO CALLUSER statement. Mandatory.


Flag that indicates whether matching records should also be listed. Must be a Control-M/Analyzer Local variable. Mandatory.

  • YES – Matching values should be listed in a separate file referenced by SRECOURT2 DD statement. Unmatched records are listed in a file referenced by the SRECOUT1 DD statement.
  • NO – Matching values should not be listed. Unmatched records are listed in a file referenced by the SRECOUT1 DD statement.

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