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All arguments passed to the CTBRECL program must be predefined Control-M/Analyzer Local variables, for example, the values must be assigned before activating the CTBRECL program.

Table 291 Reconciliation Function WRITE Arguments




Reconciliation function to be used when specifying program CTBRECL. Set the value of Control-M/Analyzer Local variable recfunc to WRITE before invoking a DO CALLUSER statement. Mandatory.


Identifier of the file to be processed. Set the value of Control-M/Analyzer Local variable fileid to 1 or 2. Mandatory.


Total number of all keyVar, keyLen, var, and len arguments specified in this DO CALLUSER statement plus one (for argument key-end-mark). argNum must be a Control-M/Analyzer Local variable with a value that is numeric and odd. Mandatory.


Length of its corresponding argument keyVar (see below) in bytes. keyLen must be a Control-M/Analyzer Local variable with a numeric value.


Key field with which to build the canonized (ordered, sorted) file. keyvar is usually extracted from the current file being processed. Must be a Control-M/Analyzer Local variable.

Note: At least one keyLen and keyVar pair must be specified. The number of keyLen and keyVar pairs is the maximum number of arguments that can be specified in a DO CALLUSER statement. For details, see DO CALLUSER: Automated Balancing Statement.


Marker that indicates the end of the list of paired keyLen and keyVar arguments. key-end-mark is specified immediately after all keyLen and keyVar pairs and before all the len and var pairs in the DO CALLUSER statement. Must be a Control-M/Analyzer Local variable. The value of keyEndMark must be 0 (zero). Mandatory.


Length of its corresponding argument var (see below) in bytes. len must be a Control-M/Analyzer Local variable with a numeric value.


Field that is available for information purposes, for example, not part of the key. var is usually extracted from the current file being processed. Must be a Control-M/Analyzer Local variable.

Note: The number of len and var pairs is limited by the maximum number of arguments that can be specified in a DO CALLUSER statement. For details, see DO CALLUSER: Automated Balancing Statement.

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