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General Information

The RETRO parameter is used to control situations where the computer has not been working for a day or more due to holiday or hardware failure, and so on.

When such situations occur, it is necessary to instruct Control-M/Analyzer whether the mission should be retroactively scheduled for the days when the computer (or Control-M/Analyzer) was inactive.

When RETRO=Y, missions are placed on the Active Balancing file for all the days the mission should have been originally scheduled. Scheduling occurs from the last scheduling date to the current working date, provided that those days were included in one of the scheduling parameters DAYS, DCAL, and so on. Each mission placed on the Active Balancing file is associated with a different original scheduling date.

When RETRO=N, the mission is only scheduled for the current working date, provided that the mission is normally scheduled for that date.

The RETRO parameter cannot be used with the MINIMUM and PDS parameters.

Parent Topic

RETRO: Mission Definition Parameter