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Search Areas (LINE and COL Parameters)

The LINE and COL parameters delimit the upper left and lower right corners of the area to be searched. This area is called a Search area. When Control-M/Analyzer scans the data source line by line for the specified STRING, only lines and columns within the Search area are examined.

When a string is specified without a comparison operator (.GT., .LT., .GE., .LE., or .NE.), the entire Search area is examined. However, when a string (or another string to which it is joined by a Boolean operator) is specified with a comparison operator, only the beginning of the Search area (starting at FROM COL with a length equal to the number of characters in the specified string) is examined. For more information on these topics see "Comparison Operators" and "Boolean Operators" above.

Note: The start of the page is determined by machine or ASA codes, if available, or by page length definition and line counting.

LINE and COL can contain the following types of values:

Table 273 WHEN Structure LINE and COLUMN Values



Absolute Values

Explicit line numbers (based on the start of the dataset or the start of the current page, depending on the MODE), and explicit column numbers.


WHEN LINE 003-020 COL 050-070

The ON statement MODE parameter specifies whether Absolute Values are based on the start of the dataset or the start of the page. Line and column number prefixes can be specified to override the default set by MODE. (See "Relative Values" and "WHEN Relative Values" below.)

See Compound WHEN Statements for information about how the search process is performed when the MODE parameter is set to PG and absolute line numbers are specified in the LINE parameter.

Relative Values

Relative line numbers can be specified with the following prefixes:

  • PG+nn lines after the beginning of the current page.
  • PG-nn lines before the beginning of the current page.
  • DS+nn lines after the beginning of the current dataset.


WHEN LINE PG+003 - PG+020 COL 050 - 070

WHEN LINE DS+003 - DS+020 COL 050 - 070

WHEN Relative Values

Line and column numbers can be relative to the location where a search string, specified by a higher level WHEN statement, was found. The higher level WHEN, whose criteria were met, must be within the same WHEN block as the specified relative LINE and COL values.

Because several WHEN statements may exist within the same WHEN block, the desired WHEN statement level must be identified. Each WHEN is numbered in ascending order (indicated by m in the format below), beginning with the number one. (Level zero cannot be specified in statement WHEN.)

The appropriate WHEN statement can be referenced by specifying the hierarchical level using the following prefixes:

  • Lm+nn lines after the position located by the WHEN of level m.
  • Lm-nn lines before the position located by the WHEN of level m.
  • Cm+nn columns after (to the right of) the position located by the WHEN of level m.
  • Cm-nn columns before (to the left of) the position located by the WHEN of level m.

These prefixes cannot be used to refer to WHEN statements of other WHEN blocks. However, these prefixes can be used in the STOP criteria for the same WHEN block.


WHEN LINE L01+003 - L01+020 COL 050 - 070

WHEN LINE 003 - 020 COL C01+050 - C01+070

Note: When working in MODE=DS (dataset), line number "999" denotes the end of the report (for example, LINE 001-999 means all lines of the report).

It is possible to reference a string a few pages prior to the current page by using negative numbers. The number of pages retained (kept) for this purpose is set in the RTEBUF installation parameter. For additional information, see the discussion about installing Control-M/Analyzer in the INCONTROL for z/OS Installation Guide.

The search for STOP criteria always begins on the line after the line where the corresponding WHEN criteria were found, even if the STOP LINE parameter specifies a prior line.

STRING Operators

A string must be specified when no operator is used and immediately after each .GT., .LT., .GE., .LE., .NE., and .WI. operator.

The string for operator .WI. is a mask containing one or more ? symbols. Each ? represents a single "wild character" that may be a number, letter or symbol. For example, ??/??/?? can be used as the mask for a date in this format.

Operator .AL. instructs Control-M/Analyzer to perform subsequent DO statements for every line in the LINE/COL range (as if every line matched the WHEN criteria, without regard to the string). No string is searched for or compared. Therefore, no string is specified. However, the position found in the line is automatically set to the FROM column value (the first value in the COL range). For subsequent DO EXTRACT statements, the position within the line found as a result of using operator .AL. is 1.

Operators .SR. and .ER. instruct Control-M/Analyzer to perform subsequent DO statements once at the start or end of the report (as if the first or last line of the report matched the WHEN criteria, without regard to the string). No string is searched for or compared; therefore, no string is specified.

Operators .SP. and .EP. instruct Control-M/Analyzer to perform subsequent DO statements at the start or end of each page (as if the start or end of each page matched the WHEN criteria, without regard to the string). No string is searched for or compared. Therefore, no string is specified.

AutoEdit Substitution

Control-M/Analyzer AutoEdit and Local variables can be embedded in WHEN and STOP criteria. The variables are resolved (replaced) at time of rule execution. For additional information on AutoEdit processing see Control-M/Analyzer Variables.

Single vs. Multiple Occurrences of a String

System variable SYSSRCHALL determines whether a line will be searched for all occurrences or for only the first occurrence of the string specified in a WHEN statement. When SYSSRCHALL=0 (the default value), only the first occurrence on a line is found. When SYSSRCHALL=1, the search continues until every occurrence on the line has been found and the DO statements are performed each time an occurrence is found. See Summary of System Variables for a description of this system variable.

Example 3

The report printed below illustrates the uses of statement WHEN. For each salesperson, the report lists invoiced sales and year-to-date totals for sales, commissions paid, commissions owed, and the commission payroll amount.

The report is formatted as follows:

Note: A column numbering line has been provided at the top and bottom of the sample report for your convenience. This line is not an actual report line.

Figure 282 Data for WHEN Structure – Example 3


INTRAC INC.              SALES OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT     DATE 28/04/00 TIME 23:50     PAGE  1

            S A L E S      C O M M I S S I O N S    D E T A I L  FROM 01/01/99 TO  30/04/99



                                   | CJ39394   | 02/02/00    |   2040.00 |COLLECTION|

                                   | CJ98443   | 03/03/00    |    245.00 |          |

                                   | MJ24545   | 05/04/00    |  10344.40 |          |

                                   | RJ10030   | 01/02/00    |   5329.39 |          |

                                   | RJ12233   | 02/02/00    |   5000.00 |          |

                                   | RJ30021   | 03/02/00    |  16670.10 |          |

                                   | RJ32991   | 02/03/00    |  30300.44 |          |

                                   | RJ33939   | 03/03/00    |    900.25 |          |

                                   | RJ38001   | 05/04/00    |   1000.23 |          |

                                   | RJ93043   | 06/04/00    |    415.89 |          |


  TOTAL SALES - THIS MONTH                                      72245.70 |PAID IN FULL

  ADJUSTMENTS                                                   -5800.70

  YTD SALES (INCLUDING THIS MONTH)                            -127879.00

  YTD COMMISSIONS PAID                                              0.00

  YTD COMMISSIONS OWED                                          -5115.00

  COMMISSION PAYROLL AMOUNT                                      5115.00


Year-to-date commissions paid, year-to-date commissions owed, and commission payroll amount for each salesperson are extracted from this report. These numbers are compared to determine if the data in the report are balanced.

The string YTD COMMISSIONS PAID is found once for each salesperson in the report. Each time the string is found, the DO EXTRACT statement extracts the three commission figures. For each salesperson, the sum of the year-to-date commissions paid and the commission payroll amount should equal the year-to-date commissions owed. This formula indicates whether the figures are balanced.

Figure 283 WHEN Structure – Example 3

 LIBRARY : CTB.PROD.RULES                                RULE : ARWARN02

 COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


   EXECUTE INPUT    UPON                                                   C   

   ON SYSOUT     PROCST          PGMST STEP01    DDNAME SYSUT2     JOBNM       

   MODE PG    LINECT 0000    DATASTAMP                                         

   WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 001     - 025              STOP    AND/OR   

        STRING = YTD COMMISSIONS PAID                                          

     DO EXTRACT  = YTDPAID                                                     

                   LEVEL 0 LINE +000 COL 0068 - 0078 PROCESS          TYP      

     DO EXTRACT  = YTDOWED                                                     

                   LEVEL 0 LINE +001 COL 0068 - 0078 PROCESS          TYP      

     DO EXTRACT  = CURRENT                                                     

                   LEVEL 0 LINE +002 COL 0068 - 0078 PROCESS          TYP      

     DO BLOCK    = CHECK    ARG                                            C   


   WHEN LINE         -         COL         -                  STOP    AND/OR   

        STRING =                                                               



   EXECUTE ENDJOB   UPON                                                   C   

   ON DATA                                                                     

   IF       ERRORCOUNT>0                                                   C   

     DO PRINT    = %%BLANK                                             F   C   

 PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                        14.58.28

Example 4

A sysout of a report is provided below to illustrate the uses of statement WHEN. The report shows a sample banking statement with fields for check number, account number, bank number, transaction date, and transaction amount.

Every debit line begins with D.

Every credit line begins with C.

Note: Column numbering lines have been provided at the top and the bottom of the sample report for your convenience. These lines are not actual report lines.

Figure 284 Data for WHEN Structure – Example 4


D 0001042  4489/54     663    05/04/00  +      5000.00

C 0001231  6297/53     660    09/10/00  +       250.00

D 0000411  3242/32     659    07/08/00  +     10500.50

C 0000012  4487/34     659    05/06/00  +       670.24

C 0001333  8834/18     663    12/10/00  +      1000.45

C 0001031  3233/10     663    12/12/00  +   1000450.75

C 0001173  3233/32     659    05/10/00  -       150.00

D 0001122  4353/01     663    05/10/00  +       904.99

C 0000099  1252/10     659    06/04/00  -       100.80

D 0001050  3341/33     663    05/01/00  -       350.55

D 0001283  9893/34     663    26/05/00  -        50.00

D 0001001  1234/56     660    18/05/00  +      3000.00

D 0001023  3422/39     663    10/08/00  +       250.25

C 0000835  4200/10     663    05/05/00  -       250.25

D 0001560  2229/09     660    08/12/00  +   2000000.00


Each line that starts with C is located and all the credits are added to Database variable DB_CREDIT. Each line that starts with D is located and all the debits are added to Database variable DB_DEBIT. Summation is performed during the extraction because the TYP parameter is set to SU.

Figure 285 WHEN Structure – Example 4

         LIBRARY : CTB.PROD.RULES                                RULE : BANKSTAT

 COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


   OWNER   M43                      GROUP BANKING                              

   UPDATED 08/08/00 -  15:17:14    BY M43A                                     




   EXECUTE GETOWED  UPON                                                   C   


      MODE DS    LINECT 0000    DATASTAMP                                      

   WHEN  LINE 001     - 999     COL 002     - 002             STOP    AND/OR   

        STRING = C                                                             

     DO EXTRACT  = DB_CREDIT                                                   

                   LEVEL   LINE +000 COL 0004 - 0010 PROCESS          TYP SU   


   WHEN  LINE 001     - 999     COL 002     - 002              STOP    AND/OR  

        STRING = D                                                             

     DO EXTRACT  = DB_DEBIT                                                    

                   LEVEL   LINE +000 COL 0004 - 0010 PROCESS          TYP SU   


   WHEN LINE         -         COL         -                  STOP    AND/OR   

        STRING =                                                               

 PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                        15.21.56

The report on the following page illustrates additional uses of statement WHEN. The report shows the status of accounts receivable for a company. It is formatted as follows:

Examples 5, 6 and 7 are based on this sample report.

Figure 286 Data for WHEN Structure – Examples 5, 6, and 7


 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DEPARTMENT             DATE 28/12/99            PAGE 000001

         C L I E N T  H I S T O R Y  D E T A I L                  FROM 01/01/99  TO  05/05/99



|                                    |CJ98443| 03/03/99   |  245.00|     0.00 |

|                                    |MJ24545| 05/04/99   |10344.40|     0.00 |

|                                    |RJ10030| 01/02/99   | 5329.39|     0.00 |

|                                    |RJ12233| 02/02/99   | 5000.00|     0.00 |

|                                    |RJ30021| 03/02/99   |16670.10|     0.00 |

|                                    |RJ32991| 02/03/99   |30300.44|     0.00 |

|                                    |RJ33939| 03/03/99   |  900.25|     0.00 |

|                                    |RJ38001| 05/04/99   | 1000.23|     0.00 |

|                                    |RJ93043| 05/04/99   |  415.89|     0.00 |


| TOTALS                             |        |            |70205.70|     0.00 | PAID IN FULL

                                     ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DEPARTMENT             DATE 28/12/99            PAGE 000002

         C L I E N T  H I S T O R Y  D E T A I L                  FROM 01/01/99  TO  05/05/99



|                                   | 100322| 02/01/99   | 1000.00|   1000.00|

|                                   | 100400| 02/01/99   |  500.00|    500.00|

|                                   | 100405| 02/01/99   |  500.00|    500.00|

|                                   | 100520| 02/02/99   |  333.34|    333.34|

|                                   | 100560| 02/02/99   | 3000.00|   3000.00|

|                                   | 100561| 02/02/99   |  250.00|    250.00|

|                                   | 100678| 02/02/99   | 1000.00|   1000.00|

|                                   | 200001| 01/03/99   |  250.00|    250.00|

|                                   | 200012| 01/03/99   |  333.33|    333.33|

|                                   | 200300| 01/04/99   |  500.00|    500.00|

|                                   | 200456| 01/04/99   |  500.00|    500.00|

|                                   | 202533| 05/04/99   | 1000.00|   1000.00|

|                                   | 300003| 12/04/99   |  250.00|    250.00|

|                                   | 340203| 26/04/99   |  333.33|    333.33|


|                                   |       |            |        |          |CONTINUE

              ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DEPARTMENT                                      PAGE 000003

         C L I E N T  H I S T O R Y  D E T A I L                  FROM 01/01/99  TO  05/05/99



|                                   | 343211| 26/04/99   |  500.00|   500.00 |CONTINUED

|                                   | 350032| 04/05/99   | 1000.00|  1000.00 |

|                                   | 520033| 05/05/99   |  500.00|   500.00 |

|                                   | 540050| 05/05/99   | 2000.00|  2000.00 |

|                                   | 540051| 05/05/99   | 1000.00|  1000.00 |

|                                   | 540052| 05/05/99   |  250.00|   250.00 |


| TOTALS                            |       |            |15000.00| 15000.00 | TOTAL DUE:           


                                     ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE DEPARTMENT             DATE 28/12/99            PAGE 000004

        C L I E N T  H I S T O R Y  D E T A I L                   FROM 01/01/99  TO  05/05/99



|                                   |B7003003| 02/02/99   | 1800.00|    300.00|

|                                   |B7003420| 03/03/99   | 2700.00|   2700.00|

|                                   |B7004009| 05/04/99   | 1500.00|   1500.00|

|                                   |B7018700| 05/05/99   |  500.00|    500.00|


| TOTALS                            |        |            | 5000.00|   5000.00| TOTAL DUE: 



Example 5

The financial status of client General Comp. Systems (GCS) is determined.

Two WHEN statements, logically connected by the AND parameter, are specified. These two WHEN statements form one compound WHEN statement.

When both strings are located, the DO statements in this WHEN block are processed. In this example, the DO statements are executed only once. Control-M/Analyzer does not continue searching for string TOTALS because the last DO statement specified is DO TERMINAT.

Figure 287 WHEN Structure – Example 5

    LIBRARY : CTB.PROD.RULES                                  RULE : GCSSTAT

COMMAND ===>                                                      SCROLL===> CRSR


======= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TOP OF RULE DEFINITION PARAMETERS <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< =======

  OWNER   M18B                     GROUP ACCOUNTS                               

  UPDATED 09/09/99  -  15:30:05    BY M18B                                      

  DESC    REPORT THE STATUS OF GENERAL COMP. SYSTEMS                            



  EXECUTE REPGCS   UPON                                                     C   

  ON SYSOUT     PROCST           PGMST STEP01    DDNAME SYSUT2     JOBNM        

     MODE PG    LINECT 0060    DATASTAMP                                        

  WHEN LINE 004     - 004     COL 002     - 050              STOP    AND/OR A   

       STRING = ACCOUNT GENERAL COMP. SYSTEMS (GCS)                             

  WHEN LINE 006     - 060     COL 002     - 010              STOP    AND/OR     

       STRING = TOTALS                                                          

    DO EXTRACT  = NAME                                                          

                  LEVEL 1 LINE +000 COL +008 - +034 PROCESS          TYP        

    DO EXTRACT  = STATUS                                                        

                  LEVEL 2 LINE +000 COL +092 - +116 PROCESS          TYP        

    DO PRINT    = STATUS OF COMPANY %%NAME                              F   C   

    DO PRINT    = IS %%STATUS                                           F   C   

    DO TERMINAT = OK       COD 0000                                             

PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                          12.23.19

Example 6

Building on the previous example, a summary report (that provides a list of company names and their financial status) is created.

Two WHEN statements, that are similar to the WHENs of the previous example, are specified. In this example, the search for a new client should resume each time a new page is reached (because each client starts on a new page). STOP criteria are added to the highest WHEN. These STOP criteria search for operator .SP. (start of page) that identifies a new page.

As a result of this definition, Control-M/Analyzer searches for the string ACCOUNT again on every new page. Control-M/Analyzer finds the name of the current client, and locates the string TOTALS until the end of the report is reached.

Figure 288 WHEN Structure – Example 6

    LIBRARY : CTB.PROD.RULES                                 RULE : SUMREP

COMMAND ===>                                                     SCROLL===> CRSR


  OWNER   M18B                     GROUP ACCOUNTS                              

  UPDATED 09/09/99  -  15:30:05    BY M18B                                     

  DESC    SUMMARIZE THE ORIGINAL REPORT                                        



  EXECUTE REPORT   UPON                                                    C   

  ON SYSOUT     PROCST           PGMST STEP01    DDNAME SYSUT2     JOBNM       

     MODE PG    LINECT 0060    DATASTAMP                                       

  WHEN LINE 004     - 004     COL 002     - 015              STOP Y  AND/OR A  

       STRING = ACCOUNT                                                        

  STOP LINE 001     - 006     COL 002     - 010                                

       STRING = .SP.                                                           

  WHEN LINE 006     - 060     COL 002     - 015              STOP    AND/OR    

       STRING = TOTALS                                                         

    DO EXTRACT  = NAME                                                         

                  LEVEL 1 LINE +000 COL +008 - +034 PROCESS          TYP       

    DO EXTRACT  = STATUS                                                       

                  LEVEL 2 LINE +000 COL +092 - +116 PROCESS          TYP       

    DO PRINT    = %%NAME-%%STATUS                                      F   C   


PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                          14.43.36

Example 7

The average invoice amount for each company is calculated by specifying three WHEN statements, connected by AND parameters. The first two WHEN statements specify STOP criteria. These three WHEN statements form one WHEN block.

The third WHEN statement locates the actual invoice amounts. Control-M/Analyzer retrieves amounts from exactly one line after the first line of dashes. Processing finishes when the second line of dashes is reached.

Figure 289 WHEN Structure – Example 7

    LIBRARY : CTB.PROD.RULES                                 RULE : AVERAGES

COMMAND ===>                                                     SCROLL===> CRSR


  EXECUTE CALCAVG  UPON                                                    C   

  ON SYSOUT     PROCST           PGMST STEP01    DDNAME SYSUT2      JOBNM      

  MODE PG    LINECT 0060    DATASTAMP                                          

  WHEN LINE 005     - 005     COL 002     - 011              STOP Y   AND/OR A 

       STRING = ACCOUNT                                                        

  STOP LINE 006     - 060     COL 002     - 015                                

       STRING = TOTALS                                                         

  WHEN LINE 006     - 060     COL 001     - 020              STOP Y   AND/OR A 

       STRING = ————                                                           

  STOP LINE 007     - 060     COL 001     - 020                                

       STRING = ————                                                           

  WHEN LINE L02+001 - 060     COL 070     - 081              STOP     AND/OR   

       STRING = .AL.                                                           

    DO EXTRACT  = FULLNAME                                                     

                  LEVEL 1 LINE +000 COL +008 - +034 PROCESS          TYP       

    DO EXTRACT  = SHRTNAME                                                     

                  LEVEL 1 LINE +000 COL +031 - +033 PROCESS          TYP       

    DO BLOCK    = CHKNAME  ARG SHRTNAME,FULLNAME                               

    DO EXTRACT  = AVG%%SHRTNAME                                            C   

                  LEVEL 0 LINE +000 COL +000 - +011 PROCESS          TYP  AV   

PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                          14.09.00

Example 8

The input for this example is a bank customer report. The account balance (variable AMOUNT) is extracted from "detail lines" that contain a ‘C’ (for Credit) or ‘D’ (for Debit) in column 2. The extracted quantities are summed by record type (C or D). The detail lines can be identified and the account balance can be extracted and summed with one WHEN statement.

The DO EXTRACT statements illustrated below first extract the record type (C or D), and then sum the AMOUNT by record type. This is done by dynamically incorporating the record type (C or D) as part of the variable name (AMOUNT%%TYPE).

Figure 290 WHEN Structure – Example 8

       LIBRARY : CTB.ALL.RULES                                 RULE : WHEN01

   COMMAND ===>                                                SCROLL===> CRSR


     OWNER M55                       GROUP INTRAC                            

     UPDATED 08/08/00 - 17:45:92     BY M55                                  

     DESC    COMPOUND WHEN CRITERIA                                          



     EXECUTE INPUT    UPON C                                                 

     ON SYSOUT     PROCST           PGMST           DDNAME BANKREP      JOBNM

        MODE PG    LINECT        DATASTAMP                                   

  WHEN  LINE 001   -060       COL - 002   - 002              STOP      AND/OR

       STRING = C.OR.D                                                       

    DO EXTRACT  = TYPE                                                       

                LEVEL 0 LINE +000 COL 0002 - 0002 PROCESS            TYP     

    DO EXTRACT  = AMOUNT%%TYPE                                               

                LEVEL   LINE +000 COL 0060 - 0070 PROCESS BFNUM      TYP SU  


  WHEN  LINE       -           COL -                         STOP      AND/OR

      STRING =                                                               



    EXECUTE          UPON                                                   C

  PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                        17.47.18

Example 9

The input for this example is an employee report. The employee number, salary and vacation days are extracted from detail lines that contain any digit in column 9. (Column 9 contains the first digit of the employee number.)

The required operations can be accomplished with one WHEN statement. The WHEN statement searches for any character that is less than or equal to 9 and greater than or equal to zero.

Figure 291 WHEN Structure – Example 9

     LIBRARY : CTB.ALL.RULES                                 RULE : WHEN01

 COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


   OWNER   M55                      GROUP INTRAC                             

   UPDATED 08/08/00  -  17:45:92    BY M55                                   

   DESC    COMPOUND WHEN CRITERIA                                            



   EXECUTE INPUT    UPON                                                   C 

   ON SYSOUT     PROCST           PGMST           DDNAME BANKREP     JOBNM   

      MODE PG    LINECT         DATASTAMP                                    

   WHEN LINE 001     - 060     COL 009     - 009              STOP     AND/OR

        STRING = .LT.9 .AND. .GT.0                                           

     DO EXTRACT  = EMP_NUM                                                   

                LEVEL 0 LINE +000 COL 0009 - 0019 PROCESS            TYP     

     DO EXTRACT  = SALARY                                                    

                LEVEL   LINE +000 COL 0060 - 0070 PROCESS            TYP     

     DO EXTRACT  = VACATION                                                  

                LEVEL   LINE +000 COL 0050 - 0055 PROCESS            TYP     

     DO BLOCK    = CHECK     ARG                                              C


   WHEN LINE         -          COL         -                  STOP      AND/OR

        STRING =                                                              

  PLEASE FILL IN RULE DEFINITION.                                        17.47.18

Parent Topic

WHEN: Rule Definition Structure