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General Information

AutoEdit variables can be used to pass information between Control-M/Analyzer rules and between Control-M/Analyzer and other INCONTROL products (Control-M, Control-D, Control-O, and so on). The following statements access AutoEdit members:

Several AutoEdit members can be specified. If the same AutoEdit variable exists in more than one AutoEdit member, the variable in the last specified member is used.

If a Local variable and an AutoEdit variable have the same name, the Local variable is resolved.

Use statement DO SET to assign a new value to an existing AutoEdit variable:

DO SET     %%A='5'

Also use statement DO SET to assign a new value to an existing Local variable:

DO SET     A='6'

Use statement DO ADDSYM to add new variables to a member read by statement DO GETMEM. The entire member (including new variables) should be written back to the Database by statement DO PUTMEM.

If an AutoEdit member is read by statement DO GETMEM but its AutoEdit variables are not written back to the Database by statement DO PUTMEM, a warning message is placed in the sysout of the job.

Control-M/Analyzer AutoEdit variables and Local variables (preceded by the %% operator) can be embedded in parameters of statement DO GETMEM. The variables are resolved (replaced) at time of rule execution. For additional information on AutoEdit processing, see Control-M/Analyzer Variables, and in particular Passing Variables to Blocks, Rules and User Routines.

The existence of the library and member is checked when the rule is executed and not when the rule is created or modified.

For more information, see DO ADDSYM: Automated Balancing Statement, and DO PUTMEM: Automated Balancing Statement.

Parent Topic

DO GETMEM: Automated Balancing Statement