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DO COMMIT: Automated Balancing Statement

Determines which Database variables to write (commit) to the Control-M/Analyzer Database and when to commit them.

Figure 189 DO COMMIT Statement Format

Optional. Type the word COMMIT (or its abbreviation COM) next to the DO in the Rule Definition screen. Press Enter and the = prompt and the following fields are displayed:

Table 223 DO COMMIT Subparameters





Mandatory. Valid DO COMMIT methods are:

  • ALL – Marks for commitment all Database variables modified using DO SET or DO EXTRACT. Commitment occurs at rule termination.
  • NONE – Unmarks all Database variables previously marked for commitment. Database variables that are subsequently set are marked for commitment and committed at rule termination.
  • EXCLUDE – Unmarks specific Database variables previously marked for commitment. The list of variables to unmark is supplied by the VAR parameter. If any of these Database variables are subsequently set, they are re-marked for commitment and committed at rule termination.
  • NOW – Forces immediate commitment of specific modified Database variables. The list of variables to commit is supplied by the values in the VAR parameter.
  • DELETE – Forces immediate deletion of previously set Database variables from the Runtime Environment of the rule (as if these variables were never set).
  • INCLUDE – Marks for commitment specific modified Database variables. The list of variables to be marked is supplied by the values in the VAR parameter. Commitment occurs at rule termination.


When using the INCLUDE, EXCLUDE or NOW method, the VAR parameter must specify the appropriate variable names separated by commas. When using the ALL, NONE or DELETE method, the VAR field should be left blank.

C (Continue)

Provides space for specifying additional variable names. A maximum of 10 lines can be opened. Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Space is required for additional variable names. Opens an additional line for further variable names to be entered.
  • N (No) – No additional space is required. Closes any pre-existing following line.

Parent Topic

Rule Definition