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General Information

The user routine does not have to exist before defining the rule. It must exist prior to rule execution. For additional information on writing and using user written routines, see Editing Rule Definitions in the IOA Edit Environment.

When Control-M/Analyzer encounters statement DO CALLUSER, the user routine is processed. After the user routine is processed, processing flow returns to the point in the rule after DO CALLUSER.

If no matching user routine exists, a runtime error occurs.

The return code of the user routine is placed in System variable SYSRC.

AutoEdit variables, plus Local and Database variables prefixed by the %% operator, can be embedded in the ARG parameter of statement DO CALLUSER. These variables are resolved (replaced) at time of rule execution. For additional information on AutoEdit processing, see Control-M/Analyzer Variables, and in particular Passing Variables to Blocks, Rules and User Routines.

For a complete explanation of the Reconciliation facility and how to use it,see Reconciliation Facility.

See member CTBCALLU in the IOA.SAMPLE library for more information about the structure of user routines that can be called by statement DO CALLUSER.

Parent Topic

DO CALLUSER: Automated Balancing Statement