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EXECUTE Block Structure Overview

Each Control-M/Analyzer rule is composed of a series of EXECUTE blocks. Each EXECUTE block specifies the data source to balance, specific data to search for, and processing actions to take.

Every EXECUTE block must contain only one ON statement, one or more WHEN blocks (or IF/ALWAYS blocks when ON DATA is specified), and a series of Automated Balancing statements (DO statements).

The basic structure of an EXECUTE block is:

Figure 174 Basic Structure of an EXECUTE Block

EXECUTE <block name> UPON <execution criteria>

ON  <data source>

WHEN   <criteria>

   <DO statement>

   <DO statement>

WHEN   <criteria>

   <DO statement>

   <DO statement>

A rule can contain an unlimited number of EXECUTE blocks. The EXECUTE blocks are processed sequentially within a rule, unless specified otherwise by DO GOTO or DO BLOCK statements.

For additional information about EXECUTE blocks, see EXECUTE Block Structure Overview.

Parent Topic

Rule Definition