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AutoEdit processing can be performed on all types of Control-M/Analyzer variables: Local, Database, System and AutoEdit.

Variables to be resolved are recognized by their %% prefix. These variables are referenced in the usual IOA AutoEdit manner. The names of these variables are not case-sensitive.

AutoEdit processing can be performed on Control-M/Analyzer Local, Database and System variables by prefixing %% to the variable name. If both a Local variable and an AutoEdit variable (read from an AutoEdit member by a DO GETMEM statement) exist with the same variable name, the value of the Local variable is resolved.

The AutoEdit variable format is %%var, %%DB_var or %%SYS_var, where var represents the name of the variable.

For information about processing (resolving) %% operators, see Rules of AutoEdit Variable Substitution.

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AutoEdit Variables