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Automatic Database Variable Creation

Database variables are defined by the Online Database Variable Definition facility. After a Database variable has been defined, the variable can be accessed by Control-M/Analyzer rules. Each time the value of the variable changes, a new generation is automatically created.

However, if a rule attempts to access a Database variable that has not yet been defined (meaning, no variable definition and no generations for this variable exist), one of the following occurs, depending on the value of the SYSDBVARCREATE System variable:

The initial value of the SYSDBVARCREATE System variable corresponds to the setting of the VARCRET parameter in CTBPARM. If VARCRET is set to NO, SYSDBVARCREATE cannot be set to Y (Yes).

When Control-M/Analyzer automatically creates a Database variable, the variable is created according to defaults set by the following Control-M/Analyzer System variables:

These defaults can be changed at any time by changing the SYSDBVARGENS and SYSDBVARDESC System variables. DO SET statements are used to change the value of System variables.

The TYPE subparameter of the CREATED... BY... TYPE parameter can be viewed online in the Database Variable Definition screen to see how the variable was created. The TYPE subparameter can have the following values:

Parent Topic

Control-M/Analyzer Variables