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Exiting the Year List Screen

Press END (PF03/PF15) to exit the Year List screen. If changes made to at least one calendar definition have been kept in memory or if any changes have been made to the Year List screen, the Exit Option window is displayed. For more information, see Exiting the Calendar Definition Screen.

Figure 104 Year List Screen Exit Option Window

LIST OF YEARS IN IOA.PROD.CAL                                 CALENDAR WORKDAYS

COMMAN +-----------------------------------------------------------+  ===> CRSR

OPT  N |                 PLEASE SELECT EXIT OPTION                 |       

     1 |                                                           |       

     1 |     SAVE    CREATE                                        |       

     1 |                                                           |       

====== |     LIBRARY IOA.PROD.CAL                                  |  << =====

       |     TABLE   WORKDAYS                                      |       

       |                                                           |       
















Fill in the Exit Option window as follows:

Note: If you create a new calendar member, the member name does not appear in the Calendar List screen upon exiting the Year List screen; it first appears when you reenter the Calendar List screen from the entry panel.

Parent Topic

Exiting the IOA Calendar Facility