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Rule Activity Display Commands

General Commands

Use the scrolling conventions to scroll the Rule Activity display forward and backward.

Use the FIND command to search for a specified string in the Rule Activity display.

Use the END command (PF03/PF15) to exit the Rule Activity display and return to the Rule Activity entry panel.

Use the =X command to exit the online Rule Activity facility. You are then returned to your normal operating environment.

Table 91 Commands of the Rule Activity Display




The REFRESH command (PF04/PF16) refreshes the display of the current Rule Activity display. The selection criteria are reactivated and a new list is produced containing invocations that were added to the list since the last time the list was displayed. The command also refreshes the status of the existing invocations in the list.


While in a Rule Activity display, you can change the display type by using the DISPLAY command. The format of the command is:


where x is the identifying letter for the desired type. DISPLAY may be abbreviated DI.



displays the User type of the Rule Activity display.


The GRAPH command (abbreviated G) displays the View Graph by Group screen (described below). Type the command or its abbreviation on the Command line of the Rule Activity display and press Enter.

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Rule Activity Display