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Rule Activity Entry Panel

Upon entering option BA (Rule Activity display) from the IOA Primary Option menu, the Rule Activity entry panel is displayed.

The Rule Activity entry panel enables you to specify selection criteria and display options for invocations. Fill in the selection criteria and display options. Press Enter to display a list of all invocations that conform to the selection criteria in the Rule Activity display.

You can bypass the Rule Activity entry panel and display the Rule Activity display directly by entering Y in the Bypass panel field of the Rule Activity entry panel.

Figure 73 Rule Activity Entry Panel

-------------- CONTROL-M/ANALYZER - RULE ACTIVITY ENTRY PANEL ------------------ (BA)




     GROUP        ===> *                     Group name or * for all groups

     USERID       ===>                       Userid name or prefix

     JOBNAME      ===>                       Job name or prefix

     STEPNAME(S)  ===>                       Step name(s)

     REMARK       ===>                       Remark or prefix

     RULE         ===>                       Rule name

     CATEGORY     ===>                       Site-defined category or mask

     DATE FROM    ===>        TO             Job date

     TIME FROM    ===>        TO             Job time


     OK           ===> Y

     Not OK       ===> Y

     In tolerance ===> Y



     Bypass panel ===> N

     Display type ===> D


  FILL IN THE SELECTION CRITERIA, AND PRESS ENTER                        12.16.05

Parent Topic

Rule Activity Display Facility