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Specifying Retrieval Criteria

Different retrieval criteria can be specified by using the SHOW command. Type SHOW in the COMMAND field and press Enter, or press SHOW (PF02/PF14). A Show Option window appears on the screen. Change the selection criteria and press Enter. Only rules conforming to the selection criteria are displayed.

Figure 68 Active Balancing Environment Screen Show Option Window


  COMMAND ===>        +----------------------------------------------------------+

  O RULE     ODATE    |                PLEASE SELECT SHOW OPTION                |

    TEST1    000505   |  RULE                                                   |

    RULINVD  000505   |  JOBNAME                                                |

    RULINV   000505   |  MISSION                                                |

    TEST2    000505   |  CATEGORY                                               |

    ADM_INV  000505   |  GROUP                                                  |

    TEST3    000505   |                                                         |

    CURRMARK 000505   |   IN PROCESS     Y  | ENDED        Y  | STATE        Y  |

    CURRMARK 000505   |  -------------------+-----------------+--------------    |

    RULINV   000505   |  WAIT ACTIVATION Y  | ENDED OK     Y  | HELD         Y  |

    RULINVE  000505   |  BALANCING       Y  | ENDED NOTOK  Y  | DELETED      N  |

    RULINVD  000505   |                     | ENDED TOLER  Y  | FREED        Y  |

  ======= >>>>>>>>>>  |         === SCOPE ===                                   |

                      |   SNG   STP   JOB   ALL   UNS                           |

                      |    Y     Y     Y     Y     Y                            |

                      |  COND                                                   |

                      |  IN CONDITIONS  YES Y NO Y                              |

                      |  OWNER                                                  |




 OPTIONS:  ? WHY  H HOLD  D DEL   F FREE  L LOG                          12.03.14

Pressing RESET (PF10/PF22) in the Show Option window restores the previous criteria and closes the window.

Note: The selection criteria below marked with the symbol P act on a prefix basis. For example, a show limit on JOBNAME D4 results in the retrieval of all jobs whose names start with D4.

Available selection criteria are described in Table 75.

Table 75 Selection Criteria




Show only rules of the specified names. A maximum of five rule names can be specified.


Show only rules of the specified job names. A maximum of five job names can be specified.


Show only rules of the specified mission names. A maximum of five mission names can be specified.


Show only rules of the specified category names. A maximum of two category names can be specified.


Show only rules of the specified groups. A maximum of four groups can be specified.

Job Status


Select only rules that conform to the status selection criteria. Set the wanted statuses to Y and the unwanted statuses to N. Status selection criteria:

  • IN PROCESS – If set to Y, rules that are not yet finished are displayed in accordance with "wait activation" and balancing criteria. If set to N, in process rules are not displayed.
  • WAIT ACTIVATION – Rules waiting to be activated.
  • BALANCING – Rules that are balancing (currently active).
  • ENDED – If set to Y, finished rules are displayed in accordance with the ENDED OK, ENDED NOTOK and ENDED TOLER criteria. If set to N, finished rules are not displayed.
  • ENDED OK – Rules that ended OK.
  • ENDED NOTOK – Rules that ended NOTOK.
  • ENDED TOLER – Rules that ended within tolerance.
  • STATE – If set to Y, rules that have a status are displayed in accordance with the HELD, DELETED and FREED criteria. If set to N, rules that have a status are not displayed.
  • HELD – Rules in HELD state.
  • DELETED – Rules that were deleted.

Note: The default value for DELETED is N. If IN PROCESS, ENDED and STATE are all set to N, no rules are displayed.

  • FREED – Previously held rules that were released.


Show only wanted rules that conform to the scope selection criteria. Set the wanted scopes to Y and the unwanted scopes to N. Scope selection criteria:

  • SNG – Rules with a scope of SINGLE (rules that can be activated once).
  • STP – Rules with a scope of STEP (rules that can be activated several times for a job step).
  • JOB – Rules with a scope of JOB (rules that can be activated several times for a job).
  • ALL – Rules with a scope of ALL (rules that can be activated several times for any jobs).
  • UNS – Unscheduled rules that were activated directly without being scheduled by a mission.
  • CONDH – Show only rules that have the specified prerequisite condition in the IN parameter. A maximum of 2 prerequisite conditions can be specified.


An additional cross reference for all rules with or without prerequisite conditions in the IN parameter:






Show all rules.



Show no rules.



Show only rules with prerequisite conditions in the IN parameter.



Show only rules without prerequisite conditions in the IN parameter.

Note: If both COND and IN CONDITIONS are specified in the SHOW window, field IN CONDITIONS has priority and field COND is ignored.


Show only rules of the specified owner. A maximum of five owners can be specified.

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Active Balancing Environment Screen