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Mission Documentation

Displaying Documentation

Depending on the value of the SHOW DOCUMENTATION field in the Mission Definition entry panel, mission documentation (DOC lines) is either displayed or hidden when you first enter the Mission Definition screen, as follows:

If the SHOW DOCUMENTATION field is set to Y, mission documentation is displayed upon entry to the Mission Definition screen.

If the SHOW DOCUMENTATION field is set to N, documentation is hidden upon entry to the Mission Definition screen.

DOC Command

The DOC command alternately displays and hides the documentation of the mission.

Below is an example of the Mission Definition screen with documentation (DOC lines) displayed.

Figure 61 Mission Definition Screen with Documentation (DOC) Lines Displayed


COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR


  CATEGORY DAILY                                MISSION INVENTRY             

  JOB      M43G0     STEP STEP01   , CTB01      SCOPE   JOB                  

  RULENAME REORDER   RULELIB CTB.PROD.RULES                                  

  OWNER    M43A      GROUP   ACCT_INV                                        

  DESC     SCHEDULES REORDER RULE DAILY                                      

  DOCMEM   INVENTRY  DOCLIB  PROD.CTB.DOC                                    



  DOC WHEN YOU USE THE DOC COMMAND.                                          



  DOC DOCUMENTATION AREA DISAPPEAR.                                          



  DAYS                                                          DCAL         


  WDAYS   ALL                                                   WCAL         

  MONTHS  1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12- Y     


  CONFCAL          SHIFT   RETRO N   MAXWAIT 00                              


Note: If you have DOCU/TEXT installed at your site you may specify a DOCU/TEXT library and member with up to 132 characters per line. However, if more than the first seven characters in a line are used, the line is truncated and Browse mode is forced. Browse mode may also be forced if a line has an unprintable character.

Editing Documentation

Documentation may be edited when the DOC lines of the Mission Definition screen are displayed. Modify the DOC lines as desired. When you fill in the last DOC line and press Enter, a new DOC line is displayed.

When modifying DOC lines, text must be left in at least one DOC line in order to save the modifications. Changes resulting in an empty DOCMEM member are not saved.

Mission documentation is written to the library member specified in the DOCMEM and DOCLIB fields on the Mission Definition screen. Therefore, it is also possible to edit the documentation directly through ISPF edit of the member. This is recommended when documentation is lengthy or the editing required is very complex.

Note: For LIBRARIAN and PANVALET users, the DOC command displays or hides mission documentation in Browse mode. Changes to the documentation are not permitted.

AutoSave and Saving Documentation

Documentation changes can be saved upon exiting the Mission Definition screen. When there are documentation changes, a Save Documentation window may be displayed depending on the value of the AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION field in the entry panel:

If AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION is set to Y, documentation changes are automatically saved and the Save Documentation window is not displayed.

If AUTO-SAVE DOCUMENTATION is set to N, documentation changes are not automatically saved and the Save Documentation window is displayed. This window lets you save or cancel the documentation changes.

Figure 62 Save Documentation Window


  COMMAN +-----------------------------------------------------------+  ===> CRSR

  +----- |                                                           | --------+

    CATE |    SAVE DOCUMENTATION ==>        (Y/N)                    |

    JOB  |                                                           |

    RULE |    LIBRARY PROD.CTB.DOC                                   |

    OWNE |    MEMBER  M43G0                                          |

    DESC |                                                           |

    DOCM +-----------------------------------------------------------+         

    ====                                                                =======


    DOC WHEN YOU USE THE DOC COMMAND.                                          



    DOC DOCUMENTATION AREA DISAPPEAR.                                          



    DAYS                                                          DCAL         


    WDAYS   ALL                                                   WCAL         

    MONTHS  1- Y 2- Y 3- Y 4- Y 5- Y 6- Y 7- Y 8- Y 9- Y 10- Y 11- Y 12- Y     


    CONFCAL          SHIFT   RETRO N   MAXWAIT 00                              


The parameters described in Table 70 can be specified in the Save Documentation window.

Table 70 Save Documentation Window Parameters




Valid values are:

  • Y (Yes) – Save documentation changes.
  • N (No) – Do not save documentation changes.


Name of the library containing the documentation member.


Name of the member containing the documentation.

Modify the LIBRARY and MEMBER values if desired, and specify Y (Yes) or N (No) in the SAVE DOCUMENTATION field; then press Enter.

If there are no documentation changes, the Save Documentation window is not displayed.

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Mission Definition Screen