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Options of the Rule List Screen

To use one of the options described in Table 54, type the option in the OPT field to the left of the rule name and press Enter:

Table 54 Options of the Rule List Screen





Display the Rule Definition screen with details of the specific rule.

Note: If the S (Select) option is specified in the Rule List screen for a rule that is currently in use (selected) by another user, then the Rule Definition screen is not displayed and the Rule List screen remains displayed (the default), or the rule definition is displayed in Browse mode (if a User Profile definition overrides the default). In either case, an appropriate message is displayed.



Display rules for browsing. Only one rule may be selected at a time.

Note: If the Rule List screen is displayed in Browse mode, options D (Delete), I (Insert) and N (New) are not available.


Delete a rule (member) from the Rule List. Multiple rules may be selected.


Copy an existing rule definition into a newly created list. The Rule Definition screen appears, with the same details as the rule marked "I", but the RULE parameter is empty for you to fill in. The new rule is added to the list in alphabetical order.


Insert a new rule in the list. An empty Rule Definition screen is displayed for you to fill in. The new rule is added to the list in alphabetical order.

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Rule List Screen