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Database Facility – Group List

The screen displays a list of groups. This screen can be entered using the entry panel or when returning from the Variable List screen.

Figure 26 Control-M/Analyzer Data Base Facility Screen

LIST OF GROUPS -----  CONTROL-M/ANALYZER DATA BASE --------------------------(BV)

  COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

     OPT NAME                  DESCRIPTION                               MODE

         ACCT_INV              ACCOUNTING DEPT - INVENTORY               ACTIVE

         ACCT_PAYROLL          ACCOUNTING DEPT - PAYROLL                 DEFINE






         ADMIN_INV             ADMINISTRATION - INVENTORY                DEFINE





         CURRENCY              CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES                   ACTIVE


         DOLRRATE              DOLLAR EXCHANGE RATES                     ACTIVE

         DOLRSAVE              OLD DOLLAR EXCHANGE RATES                 DEFINE



         GRAPHIX_INV           GRAPHICS DEPT - INVENTORY                 DEFINE


  OPTIONS:  S SELECT   I INSERT   U UPDATE                               10.47.06

Use the scrolling PFKeys to scroll the Group List forward (PF07/PF19) and backward (PF08/PF20).

A short description is displayed for each group. This description can be specified either when creating a new group, or through Option U – the Update option. For more information, see Options of the Group List Screen.

The implementation level – mode – of the group is also displayed. The mode can be specified either when creating a new group, or through Option U – the Update option. For more information, see Options of the Group List Screen. The following three modes are provided by Control-M/Analyzer:

For additional information on implementation levels, see Group Concept and Group Modes.

Parent Topic

Database Variable Definition Facility