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IOA Editor

The IOA Editor enables you to edit members of a partitioned data set (PDS) using an editor similar to the ISPF editor. Enter EDMEM in the command line of any screen to display the Edit Entry Panel window, as illustrated in Figure 21.

Figure 21 IOA Editor Edit Entry Panel

Figure 21 IOA Editor Edit Entry Panel

---------------------       IOA PRIMARY OPTION MENU       ------------------(1)

OPTION ===>                                               USER        N06     


IOA                        CONTROL-D/V                CONTROL-O               


  4  COND/RES                A  MISSION STATUS         OR  RULE DEFINITION    

  5  +--------------------------------------------------------------+ICS      

  6  |                     EDIT ENTRY PANEL                         |         

  7  |                                                              |LOG      

  8  | LIBRARY ==>                                                  |OPTS     

 IV  |                                                              |US       

     | MEMBER  ==>                                                  |R        

     |                                                              |         


CONTR|                                                              |         



  3  ACTIVE ENV.            BM  MISSION DEF            TP  POOL DEFINITION    


                            BR  RULE DEFINITION        TI  INQ/UPD MEDIA DB   

                            BA  RULE ACTIVITY          TC  CHECK IN EXT VOL   




To create a new member or edit an existing member, fill in the LIBRARY and MEMBER parameters and press Enter. The IOA Editor screen is opened for editing, as illustrated in Figure 22.

Note: If the member already exists in the specified library, the member is displayed for editing in the IOA Editor. Similarly, if you accessed the IOA Editor screen from line option J in either screen 2 or screen 3, the member in the library referred to in the schedule definition member will be displayed for editing.

Figure 22 IOA Editor

----------------------------  I O A   E D I T O R   ------------------- (EDMEM)

COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL===> CRSR

ROW     PROD.V610.DEMO(TEST)                                        COL 001 072












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