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Defining Database Variable Parameters

Control-M/Analyzer Database variables are stored in the Control-M/Analyzer Database. These variables may be accessed by any Control-M/Analyzer rule at any time. When a rule processes data, it can save values in the Database for future use by other rules. Conversely, an executing rule can access values in the Database that have been placed there by other rules. The Database is commonly used for "run-to-run" and "cross-application" balancing.

When creating Database variables, certain basic information must be provided such as the name of the variable and its group, description, and number of generations.

Information represented by the variable is dynamic. Each generation of a variable may contain a different value. Control-M/Analyzer tracks when each generation is created and which job or step created it. Variables are assigned their values by:

Control-M/Analyzer tracks and maintains all values (generations) of a variable from its creation, until the number of values exceeds the maximum number of active generations (specified in the Database variable definition). At this point, the oldest value of the variable is erased in order to store the newest value.

Control-M/Analyzer security mechanisms limit the users/jobs that can access Database variables.

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Control-M/Analyzer Implementation