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Quantitative Resource Handling

This SolveWare solution uses Quantitative resources to track initiator availability. A Quantitative resource is created for each class monitored by Control-M and these resources are updated whenever changes to initiator availability are detected. If, for example, a job in Control-M is started in a specific class, Control-M does not submit the job unless the relevant Quantitative resource indicates that an initiator that serves the appropriate class is available.

Normally (that is, without this SolveWare solution), Quantitative resources can determine resource availability based only on values defined within the IOA environment. Changes to initiators that were manually started, manually stopped, manually halted, or to initiators serving a manually submitted job (that is, a job not submitted by Control-M) are not reflected in Quantitative resources.

The rules for this SolveWare solution monitor changes outside the IOA environment to initiators in the JES2 environment and adjust (that is, increase or decrease) relevant resource quantities accordingly.

Global variables that indicate initiator name, classes served by the initiator, counters and names of relevant Quantitative resources, are defined in rules INITFRST and INITCRT in this solution (see following sections). In multisystem configurations, CPU configuration is described using Global variables defined during SolveWare initialization by rule JES2GLBL in table INITSLV2. For more information, see SolveWare Initialization.

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