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DB2 Follow-me Job Management

In a multi-CPU configuration operating both Control-M and DB2, certain jobs must run on the same CPU on which DB2 is operating because they require DB2 services. These jobs are referred to as follow-me jobs.

For each CPU on which DB2 may operate, Quantitative resource CTO-DB2-CPU-ID is maintained by rules in this solution (ID is a 1-character identifier of the CPU). A quantity of 9999 is assigned to the resource corresponding to the CPU on which DB2 is operating; a quantity of 0000 is assigned to the corresponding resources on all other CPUs.

Control-M job scheduling definitions for "follow-me" jobs must contain Quantitative resource CTO-DB2-CPU-$. The $ character is a mask. Control-M replaces the $ character with the identifier of the CPU whose resource CTO-DB2-CPU-ID has a quantity of 9999. This CPU identifier is also assigned to the Control-M AutoEdit system variable %%$SIGN, which is used in the JCL of the follow-me jobs to establish the class on which the job is submitted (on the same CPU where DB2 is operated).

For more information on Quantitative resources containing a $ sign, see the Job Production Parameters chapter in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide. The technique of controlling the target computer by AutoEdit system variable %%$SIGN is described in the JCL and AutoEdit Facility chapter in the Control-M for z/OS User Guide.

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