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WTO Buffer Shortage

This solution automates the process of relieving WTO buffer shortage situations. WTO buffer shortage situations usually occur

WTO buffer shortages generally lead to overall performance degradation.

When 80 percent of the WTO buffers are full, MVS issues a message indicating this situation. If steps to alleviate the situation are not taken and all WTO buffers become full, the console address space and any address space issuing a WTO, enters a Wait state until WTO buffers are made available.

This solution relieves WTO buffer shortages by either rerouting to the hardcopy log those messages that are queued to problematic consoles, or by deactivating the console.

Note: All messages (DO SHOUT actions) in the CONSOLES rules are sent to an INCONTROL user named U-SYSADMIN. A user with this name must be defined in the IOA Dynamic Destination table (CTMDEST). For more information, see the Dynamic Destination Table chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

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