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Rules Structure

The following tables describe the structures of the Complete or Partial Dump Produced, All Dump Datasets Full solution rules.

Table 69 Complete or Partial Dump Produced, All Dump Datasets Are Full Rule Structure




Complete or Partial Dump Produced, All Dump Datasets Full






Any of the following messages:





Message Description

  • IEA911E – An SVC dump was written to a SYS1.DUMP dataset.
  • IEA994A, IEA994E – All SYS1.DUMP datasets are full. The current dump, and subsequent dumps, cannot be produced.
  • IEE711I – An SVC dump cannot be produced.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations

Global Variables

    The number of empty dump datasets that must be available for new dumps at any time.
  • %%CLEAR_DUMPxx
    Flag indicating whether to clear dump dataset SYS1.DUMPxx. This variable is set for every dump dataset in the system.
    Valid values are:
    – YES
    – NO

Rule Logic

This rule is triggered when a dump is produced, or when no empty dump dataset is found. Either situation normally requires a user response. The user must check if a sufficient number of empty dump datasets is available, and if not, the user must clear dump datasets using command DUMPDS, or utility IEBGENER, or using IPCS.

The rule issues command DISPLAY DUMP to obtain SYS1.DUMP dataset information that it uses to determine the number of dump datasets currently available. The rule then checks if this number is sufficient according to the value specified by the user in Global AutoEdit variable %%DUMP_AVAIL, which that reflects the number of empty dump datasets that are available for new dumps at any time.

If enough datasets are empty, the rule ends and no actions are performed.

If there is a need to empty dump files, then for each SYS1.DUMP dataset, the rule sets a flag indicating whether to clear the dataset. The flags are set in Global AutoEdit variables referenced by the job JCL.

The rule adds prerequisite condition or date CTO-CLRDUMP-GO 0101, which triggers a pre-scheduled job in Control-M to clear the dump datasets. (For further details on the job scheduling definition, see Customization in this table.)

Once the rule has been triggered, it is temporarily deactivated by setting its own inverse IN condition. This prevents multiple triggering of the rule caused by additional appearances of the above messages before the job has finished cleaning the specified SYS1.DUMPxx datasets.

Once the job has successfully executed, condition CTO-IEA911E-HANDLED is deleted to reactivate the rule. Condition CTO-CLRDUMP-GO, which triggered the pre-scheduled job, is deleted upon completion of the job.

Rule Actions

  • Sets Global AutoEdit variable %%DUMP_AVAIL to 1. This variable reflects the number of empty dump datasets that must be available at any time (see Rule Logic in this table). The default value of 1 can be changed by the user—see Customization in this table.
  • Sets condition CTO-IEA911E-HANDLED to deactivate the rule temporarily (see Rule Logic in this table).
  • Sets variable %%RESPMSG to IEE852I.
  • Issues operator command DISPLAY DUMP.
  • Analyzes response message IEE852I to determine the number of currently available dump datasets.
  • Sets Global AutoEdit variable %%CLEAR_DUMPxx to YES or NO to indicate which datasets to empty.
  • Issues a command instructing Control-O to write Global AutoEdit variables.
  • Sets prerequisite condition CTO-CLRDUMP-GO to start a job in Control-M to clear flagged dump datasets.

Activating the Rule

Once ordered, the rule remains active until one of the messages IEA911E, IEA994A, IEA994E, or IEE711I exceeds a pre-defined threshold. (For more information regarding threshold handling, see DUMPDS Rule Thresholds.)

The rule is also temporarily deactivated when it is triggered and reactivated after the copy and/or clean job finishes OK (see Rule Logic in this table).

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period the rule must be activated in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 2—some customization is required before implementation.


If a different automatic mechanism to clean SYS1.DUMPxx is already implemented, the mechanism must be removed before testing this rule.

A job scheduling definition and JCL member for the SYS1.DUMPxx copy and or clean job must be created. SOLVSCHD and SOLVJCL Libraries contain a sample scheduling definition and JCL to copy and or clean SYS1.DUMPxx. This sample can be adapted to site conventions and requirements.

The supplied sample job executes program utility IPCS, which prints and clears the dump datasets. This job can be modified to use a different method to clear the dump files such as the DUMPDS command.



The supplied sample job includes %%LIBSYM and %%MEMSYM AutoEdit control statements, which reference the Control-O $GLOBAL member. SYS1.DUMP flags (AutoEdit variables that indicate whether to clear specific datasets) must be included in this member.

The job must be defined as a cyclic job or cyclic started task (STC) with a MAXWAIT value of 99. It then only needs to be ordered once, but must not be removed manually from the Control-M Active Jobs file. The MAXWAIT value of 99 ensures that the job is never removed from the Active Jobs file by the Control-M New Day procedure.

The cyclic job is always ready for submission. It is triggered by adding the prerequisite condition or date CTO-CLRDUMP-GO 0101. When an execution of the job is completed, this condition is deleted. This prevents cyclic re-invoking of the job and ensures that the job is only invoked again if the rule is triggered again.

If there is a need to empty dump files, then for each SYS1.DUMP dataset, the rule sets a flag indicating whether to clear the dataset. The flags are set in Global AutoEdit variables referenced by the job JCL. This is done by including the Control-O $GLOBAL member in the job JCL and defining %%LIBSYM and %%MEMSYM AutoEdit control statements.

In the rule definition, the default value supplied for Global AutoEdit variable %%DUMP_AVAIL is 1, meaning that at least one dump dataset must be left empty at all times. This value must be adapted to site requirements.

Prerequisite condition or date CTO-IEA911E-HANDLED STAT must be deleted at time of IPL to make sure the rule is active after system startup. For more information, see SolveWare Initialization.

Parent Topic

Copy and Clean SYS1.DUMPxx