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DUMPDS solutions are designed to automate management of system dump datasets. Various components of the MVS environment produce dumps that include diagnostic information regarding a problem. These dumps are kept in the dump dataset SYS1.DUMPxx.

A common way of managing the dump files is to ensure that there are always several empty dump files to which new dumps can be written. This solution implements this method of work.

Note: All messages (DO SHOUT actions) in the DUMPDS rules are sent to an INCONTROL user named U-SYSADMIN. A user with this name must be defined in the IOA Dynamic Destination table (CTMDEST). For more information, see the Dynamic Destination Table chapter of the INCONTROL for z/OS Administrator Guide.

In many cases, rules definitions make use of the inverse IN Condition feature. This feature activates rules only if the specified IN conditions are not set. For more information about using inverse IN conditions, see Inverse IN Conditions.