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Rules Structure

The following tables describe the structures of the Device-Not-Available Handling—Option 3 solution rules.

Table 54 Device-Not-Available in a Multisystem Environment—Option 3 Rule Structure




Device-Not-Available in a Multisystem Environment—
Option 3






jjj stepname dsname NEEDS # UNITS FOR volume ########
OFFLINE not accessible


jjj is the jobid
devname1, devname2,... are device names
ddd1, ddd2, ... are addresses of OFFLINE devices
dd3,dd4,... are addresses of non-accessible devices

Message Description

Device allocation cannot be performed (completed) by MVS for specified job jjj. The following (if any) devices are OFFLINE or cannot be accessed by MVS.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables

  • %%DEV-TYPE_ddd
    Generic name of a device type, where ddd is the device address.
    For example:
  • %%DEV_STAT_ddd
    Status of a device, where ddd is the device address. Valid values: ONLINE and OFFLINE.
    For example:
  • %%DEV_index
    Generic device name, indexed by a sequence number.
    For example:
  • %%DEV_INDEX_index
    Device unit address, indexed by a sequence number.
    For example:
  • %%JES2_ROUTE_smf
    Multi-access spool member, multi-access spool member node, or node member used to send a command over the network to the specified system. smf is the SMF ID of the CPU.
    For example:

Rule Logic

If message IEF290E appears with a list of OFFLINE devices, this rule checks whether the requested device is a tape or cartridge. If the requested device is a tape or cartridge, this rule waits for the issuance of message IEF238D, which requests instructions on how to proceed.

Command rule CTOREQ (see the following section) is then activated on the other MVS system to look for an available device of the same type. (If rule CTOREQ finds an available device, it varies the device offline on the other MVS system and passes the device address to this rule.)

If this rule receives a device address from rule CTOREQ, it replies to message IEF238D with the device address and Control-O varies the device online for this system. If this rule does not receive a device address from rule CTOREQ, it issues a WAIT reply if this was one of the message options. If WAIT was not a message option, this rule replies CANCEL to message IEF238D.

Rule Actions

If message IEF290E contains a list of offline units, this rule determines if the requested device is a tape or cartridge. If the device is a tape or cartridge, the rule

  • waits for message IEF238E and stores the reply %%REPLY in AutoEdit variable %%R.
  • waits until a device address is received from Command rule CTOREQ, or until all MVS systems with a Control-O monitor have been checked for an available device

This rule issues the following command, system by system, in command-response mode. The command is passed to the appropriate system using NJE.


If a device address is received from rule CTOREQ using NJE message $HASP249, this rule answers to message IEF238D with the device address.

If no device address is received from CTOREQ, or if there were no tape or cartridge devices listed by message IEF290E, then if WAIT is a valid reply option to message IEF238D, this rule replies WAIT. Otherwise, this rule replies CANCEL.

Activating the Rule

Once ordered, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 2—some customization is required before implementation.


The rule uses Global variables defined by the DEVTYPES rule (see Rules), and by the JES2GLBL rule (see SolveWare Initialization). For the necessary customization, refer to those rules in this guide.

Table 55 Check for Free Online Device Rule Structure




Check for Free Online Device






CTOREQ GETUNIT smfid monitor-name jobid unit-type 1

Command Description

This command is issued by rule IEF290E in this solution to query for an available device of the specified type.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables

  • %%DEV_TYPE_ddd
    Generic name of a device type, where ddd is the device address.
    For example:
  • %%DEV_STAT_ddd
    Status of a device, where ddd is the device address. Valid values: ONLINE and OFFLINE.
    For example:
  • %%DEV_index
    Generic device name, indexed by a sequence number.
    For example:
  • %%JES2_ROUTE_smf
    Multi-access spool member, multi-access spool member node, or node member used to send a command over the network to the specified system. smf is the SMF ID of the CPU.
    For example:
    The total number of device units of all types controlled by Control-O.
    For example:

Rule Logic

This rule receives a CTOREQ command using NJE from rule IEF290E. The CTOREQ command requests an available (that is, free, online) device of the specified type from the MVS system in which this rule is operating.

This rule then scans the Global variables %%DEV_TYPE_ddd looking for devices of the type requested. If such a device is found, the rule checks the corresponding Global variable %%DEV_STAT_ddd to determine if the device is online and free. If the device is online and free, the rule varies the device offline and passes the device address to rule IEF290E.

Rule Actions

Checks for an online device of the requested type.

If an online device of the correct type is found, the rule does the following:

  • issues the command V ddd,OFFLINE to vary the device offline, and waits for completion.
  • sends the device address to the requesting system by issuing the following command:

Activating the Rule

Once ordered, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 2—some customization is required before implementation.


The rule uses Global variables defined by the DEVTYPES rule (see Rules), and by the JES2GLBL rule (see SolveWare Initialization). For the necessary customization, refer to those rules in this guide.

Table 56 Suppress Control-O Internal Command Rule Structure




Suppress Control-O Internal Command






CTO* (all commands that start with CTO)


Internal commands starting with CTO are used in this solution to communicate between rules on different MVS systems.

Basic Scheduling Parameters

Always schedule this rule.

Runtime Scheduling Parameters

No special considerations.

Global Variables


Rule Logic

Rules CTOREQ and IEE290E in this solution communicate with each other by issuing internal commands prefixed CTO.

These commands normally cause issuance of message IEE305I, which indicates that the commands are invalid (that is, not recognized by MVS). This rule suppresses the commands so that the message IEE305I is not issued.

Rule Actions

Suppresses commands starting with CTO.

Activating the Rule

Once ordered, the rule remains active until deleted from Control-O.

Recommended Mode or Category

During the testing period, activate the rule in LOG mode. Once you are satisfied with the results of the rule, change the mode to PROD to avoid log messages for the rule.

The SolveWare category for this rule is 1—little or no customization is required before implementation.

Parent Topic

Device-Not-Available Handling in a Multisystem Environment—Option 3