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System Startup

This solution contains sample rules for automated system startup using Control-O. The startup process is initiated automatically after IPL. A statement in member COMMNDnn in the SYS1.PARMLIB library starts the IPL CONTROL-O. STARTSYS rules start the various system components in the required sequence (for example, start TSO and CICS only after VTAM node initialization is completed) and reply to the appropriate JES2 startup messages.

Solution "System Startup" does not contain a rule to start JES2 because it assumes that JES2 is started automatically after IPL. If desired, you can define a rule to start JES2, but first, prevent automatic startup of JES2 outside of Control-O.

Note: Initialize (delete) all prerequisite conditions defined in this solution before the rules of this solution are ordered. For special considerations regarding prerequisite condition initialization, see SolveWare Initialization.

Deactivate any existing startup mechanisms that parallel the rules in this solution.

This solution handles startup of JES2 environments. However, the solution can be easily adapted to handle startup in a JES3 environment.

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