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Using Control-O/COSMOS to Manage a Sysplex

You can use XAE type 1 databases with the Control-O/COSMOS Working Object Databases. With XAE type 1 databases, users that are logged on to one system can see the objects of different Sysplex participants, and can manage them from a single screen. For example, a user logged on to SYSTEM A can start or stop an object running on SYSTEM B.

To enable Control-O/COSMOS to manage a Sysplex, each line in member DAGLBLST that defines a working database must be changed (for example, from DBTEMP to S1TEMP). In addition, the CTOGATEI table must be loaded from the RULELIST member in the CTOprefix.RULES library.

Note: When you use Control-O/COSMOS to manage a Sysplex, if you are defining CPU names within member COSMOLST, (for more information, see COSMOLST Member), you must use the exact name of each CPU’s corresponding system name as defined in the Sysplex environment.

Parent Topic

Control-O Variable Database Files