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Global Variables

Table 23 Global Variables




The startup option most recently selected by the operator during Control-O/COSMOS initialization.


The number of CPUs specified in member COSMOLST.


The name of the nth Working Object database.


The number of Object databases being used by Control-O/COSMOS.


Whether Control-O/COSMOS demonstration databases are in use. Valid values are YES and NO.


The DOWN value for the nth Object database.


The Control-O/COSMOS subtask flags (for future use).


The serial number (for example, 1, 2, or 3) of database dbname.


Unchangeable rules library. Default: IOAprefix.IOAENV.


Unchangeable rules member. Default: $COSMOSO.


The name of the nth Method database.


The operation flags (for future use).


The prefix of Control-O started tasks (STCs), %PROCPRFO. Used to accept, reject, or prefix the commands submitted to or issued from this IOA installation.


The name of the Control-O/COSMOS Prerequisite database.


The name of the nth Source Object database.


The name of the Object database containing definitions of started tasks controlled by Control-O/COSMOS.


The desired status of the Control-O/COSMOS facility. Rule USRCLEAR, which is triggered at Control-O startup, sets this variable to DOWN. If you want Control-O/COSMOS to be initialized during Control-O startup, edit this rule and set the variable to UP.


The UNKNOWN value for the nth Object database.


The UP value for the nth Object database.


Whether Control-O/COSMOS works in a Sysplex environment, and what type of database it uses. Valid values are:

  • YES – Control-O/COSMOS is working in a Sysplex environment and is using a Syslpex (XAE type 1) database.
  • NO – Either Control-O/COSMOS is not working in a Sysplex environment, or it is, but is not using a Sysplex database.


The SMF ID or SYSTEM ID of the nth CPU.


The number of CTO659I messages processed by the SYSIMAGE facility.


Changeable rules library. Default: CTOprefix.RULES.


Changeable rules member. Default: $COSMOSU.

Parent Topic

AutoEdit Variables Used by Control-O/COSMOS Rules