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General Rules

Every event-detection rule triggers a General rule that handles events of the appropriate type (for example, starting a started task). The General rules determine which arguments to pass to the COSELECT rule.

The following General rules are supplied with Control-O/COSMOS:

Table 20 Control-O/COSMOS General Rules




Handles events that indicate that a started task was activated (for example, message IST020I VTAM INITIALIZATION COMPLETE). Relevant messages are intercepted by rules that trigger rule COSSTCUP to pass appropriate arguments to the COSELECT rule.


Handles events that indicate that a started task was brought down. Relevant messages are intercepted by rules that trigger rule COSSTCDW to pass appropriate arguments to the COSELECT rule.

The following General rules are triggered directly by events in the system:


Handles START commands issued for objects controlled by Control-O/COSMOS. This rule triggers the COSELECT rule to update the desired status of the object in the Working Object database. Control-O/COSMOS detects this change the next time it scans the Object database.


Handles STOP commands issued for objects controlled by Control-O/COSMOS. This rule triggers the COSELECT rule to update the desired status of the object in the Working Object database. Control-O/COSMOS detects this change the next time it scans the Object database.


Triggered by message IEF403I, indicating that a started task is starting. This rule triggers the COSELECT rule, which searches for the object and triggers a rule that changes the current status of the object to STARTING.

For IEF403I to be sufficient for setting the object's status to UP, without waiting for an additional message that indicates that the started task is ready, then the object's entry in XXXSTCSD/OB should be marked by setting column COSRSRV1 to N.


Triggered by all job end events (ON JOBEND =*). This rule triggers the COSELECT rule that searches for the relevant object and, if found, changes the current status of the object to DOWN.


Triggered by all messages in the system (ON MESSAGE set to *). If the detected message is a WTOR message, this rule triggers the COSELECT rule to update the REPLYID column for the relevant object.


Triggered by message $HASP310, indicating that a started task was ended due to a memory problem.

The COSELECT rule is triggered to search for the started task name that appeared in the message and, if, found, changes the current status of the relevant object to DOWN.

Parent Topic

Control-O/COSMOS Object Update Rules